It's connected with Melodisc - same owner:
Sophisticats There is always an exception to the theme hidden away in every compilation, and the Sophisticats do the honours for Working Man's Soul. Their "At the Woodville" EP looks every inch a private pressing - scant information apart from the names of the artists involved - Gary Lloyd on organ, Johnny Lowe on vocal bass and Keith Chalkey on drums - some sleeve notes that proclaim the groups' excellence as a cabaret act for a number of summer seasons at the titular Woodville hotel on the Channel Island of Jersey.
To all intents and purposes this looks to have the classic elements of a privately pressed recording. As it turns out, the Colortone label was, and remains one of several independent imprints owned and run by the legendary Blue Beat producer Siggy Jackson, and was distributed through the normal channels that independent labels employed to get records into the shops during the 1960s - i.e. driving around London in a van loaded with stock. Colortone was established in 1963, and the Sophisticats EP is the first release on its Spectrum series.
As well as running the Melodisc label through the 1950s and 1960s, Jackson recorded and released many of his own independent productions and continues to do so today. He recalls that a meeting with the Sophisticats in a Soho nightclub led to sessions in a studio on Bond Street and the subsequent EP. Alas, more than that cannot be added to the story as yet. If in fact this EP was not really a privately pressed record, it should have been.