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Everything posted by Godzilla
Vernon Harrell & Little Gigi - Baby Don'tcha Worry - Decca promo - VG SOLD THANKS On the more discerning playlists at present. Great R&B flavoured Soul thumper at a good price. (£100 Manship / $150 Moerer) Graded VG due to scuffs but plays great. Check the MP3 Vernon_and_GiGi.mp3 PM or email: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com Shipping £1.80 recorded UK or £2 airmail overseas. Paypal OK and I pay the fee.
You are Ian Levine and I claim my £5 prize.
- Don't think I DARE listen.
James if you're after really twisted, perverted stuff, how about Eve of Eden's "Parade of a Bunch of Fools" I think I heard it maybe twice at the Ritz in the 70s and the horror of it sticks with me to this day. It has a kind of circus music intro, goes into something that sounds like a lo-fi Sylvester tune - then it's all down hill from there on! No reason on earth why you should have heard it as I bet it never got played anywhere after it's brief experimental heyday. Anyone care to admit they've got a copy and fancy slinging it up? In fact would anyone confess to playing it, even if only once? Anyone?
Well done John. You'd have got a point if you hadn't posted your reply after I'd just given the answer
Ok seeing as no-one seems to remeber this one: The most exciting group since The Beatles (it says here). The Moons - Gammera The Invincible - Date. Known as "our Gammy" in the Godzilla household. AKA The Sounds of Lane - Shing-A-Ling at the Go-Go and booted under that title on Mickey Mouse records. Keen Kaiju fans will noticed they've misspelled the name of the titular beastie adding an extra 'm'. Weird thing is, as people's tastes have changed and we've all developed a better awareness of other types of music, I've seen this tune go from 'Northern Soul inst cover' up to 'novelty dancer' to 'an example of the kind of pop crap played' to 'actually a pretty good spy/surf 45' and now it's a titty shaker apparently Not bad for a a made up theme from a film about a prehistoric, fire breathing, jet propelled flying turtle! Clip available if anyone actually wants one. I love it but can see it getting right up some folks' noses
I don't know if you're just being insulting or have the loosest grasp of zoology I've ever come across
I just thought of something that might give Cat's Eyes a run for its money. Googled it to see if I could find a pic and found one just about to finish on ebay - only being sold as a genuine surf record! Went for $71 too. Obscure Philly imprint my bum Anyone remember this cover up? Easy one for me obviously as he's a family member...
...as anybody who can read will have seen. His posts make a lot more sense after watching this though
I think it's too subjective. I've argued for years that Roscoe & Friends- Broadway Sissy is out and out funk, but lots of people can't see it. And fair enough to 'em too. You could argue that any new release played from the disco age isn't really Northern Soul. Or you can argue that it is by virtue of being played in the clubs. Mitch Ryder was a pretty wild Rock n Roll act but his records were accepted early on. Then of course there's the Human Beinz: first of the garage tunes to played? The instrumental to "six o'clock" booted as Supertime is deffo an easy listening cut. Lot's of the UK covers played by Minshull etc are beat tunes, as are some of the UK originals like John Andrews (fantastic) and John Drevars (dire). Did I mention Gordon's Gin? How about this for a bit of heavy rock then? My contender for worst tune played too, although as it's on youtube some nutcase obviously likes it ">
Isn't this just a list of tunes played at Cleethorpes?
I reckon a thread on 'our' Therapy? would make more sense than this one to be honest Mikey
Shhhh I was hoping to steal a bargain on that Sandi & the Matues. Hopefully no-one's spotted it yet.
Well, I asked for clarification Actually well done. I needed a reminder not to make pompous sounding posts after Friday tea time drinkies and your reply has done just that. For the record though (ahem!), I don't listen to local radio either. When I was in the offices of Yorkshire Coast Radio (known as Radio Barlow to our mates - it's that exciting), it was to promote some event or other. They were really proud to tell me that whole shows had a playlist loaded up onto the PC and ready to go. As a mac boy I just saw off-white boxes and didn't have a clue what systems they used and wasn't really interested. It just seemed pretty soulless even for that outfit. Last time I listed to Radio 1 was in the days of John Peel and he definitely used vinyl. Wasn't sure what the score was these days but Mrs G assures me that the younger DJs play band's demos, as you say, so I guess that means CDs. As for mini-disc, well maybe I just never got to grips with it. When I had one the quality alawys sounded roughly comaparable with a good compact cassette but not much better. Possibly I had it set up wrong. Just didn't get on with it anyhow. I haven't bought a digital radio yet as don't get much beyond Radio 4 these days and find that FM is acceptable for that. Did listen to some stuff on a pal's DAB though and thought it sounded really thin - not even up to FM standard. Again maybe he needed to tweak stuff. Wouldn't tempt me for listening to Woman's Hour though. Finally cheers for the words Ogg and Soloris. No idea what they mean but I suspect they may have been characters in Lord of the Rings? Either way, makes a change from OVO vs boots so ta again for the info.
A true original. RIP Link feel free to move to proper bit.
Well alright - maybe it suggests the Twisted wheel. One comment says: Do I love you'' wasn't discovered at WIGAN ... NEITHER WAS LONG AFTER TONIGHT IS ALL OVER ZZZZZZ OR ANOTHER U MENTIONED ... INFACT CAN U SAY IN TRUTH ANY OF THE REAL TOP SOUL SOUNDS WERE DISCOVERED AT WIGAN? Asking that as a genuine question, as I'm fed up with bad memories some seem to have. I used to keep little books with all sorts in them related to venues and friends including music tracks so I KNOW what I'm saying is true Next comment says: Totally agree, Neither is he the godfather of northern soul nor did he put northern on the map, He may have put wigan on the map but his other claims are Ludicrous, I heard Dean Parish, and Long after tonight is all over at the Torch long before wigan - I never Liked him then, and still dont like him now. Back to poster 1 Great posting I totally agree 'cos it reveals onset of Alzheimer's is obviously affecting some brains. Frank Wilson's track and other's mentioned were ALL played b4 Casino, and NO WAY IS HE GODFATHER OF ANYTHING BUT CLEARLY A BAD MEMORY & ONE SUSPECTS BLATANT LIES. MAKES ME LAUGH PPL LIKE HIM USE 'KTF' ZZZ. There's lots of false info out there about Frank's track & I for one know that there are more copies out there than people realise HAHAHA GREAT to cross YOUR path, YOU KNOW YOUR stuff Then there's more stuff about the Torch and The Wheel. Can't blame a bloke from getting confused with all the incoherent rambling can you? While acknowledging people on here are bored sh*tless about Frank Wilson, it's still pretty funny when people start rewriting history like that. On the other hand maybe one of our backslapping, faith keeping brothers might like to publish their amazing notebook. Might have retype it first though. Not sure green crayon will reproduce so well.
Well you need help then. Seriously mate.
If you're going to take other people up on a couple of points, how about these: Does Radio 1 really broadcast from CD? Reason I ask is that even my crappy local station is as far as I know programming its playlist fron CD onto their computer and broadcasting straight from that. And last time I went in there was about 10 years ago. Secondly, my understanding is that most DAB broadcasts (including the beebs) are so compressed that you'd be hard pushed to distinguish CD from crappy old minidisc. If that's the case how are your ears telling you that one is CD and another is MP3? I realise this is not directly related to the topic in question. It's just that you see lots of unqualified statements on this forum and sometimes it's handy to challenge them to separate facts informed by evidence from less informed opinions and beliefs. Not having a personal knock JJMMWGDuPree, but do you facy clarifying? Godz
The ultimate dancing shoe if you want to feel the music in your feet...
Might even have been Rod. I told him, "You think y fenni, mate, but you're not" He's just annoyed cos I thrashed him so soundly with the cheese gags that he's virtually pantysgawn. Actually I think that's probably enough cheese for now...
Humour: That quality of the imagination which gives to ideas an incongruous or fantastic turn, and tends to excite laughter or mirth by ludicrous images or representations; a playful fancy; facetiousness.
Yargotta do what yargotta do Rod.
No. Just been correcting your spelling on the thread where you talk about wine