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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I think Jock just did a good job of verbalising what a lot of people on here think. And I see the suggestion is flying around again that those who disagree or dare speak out are Nazis. As someone who's done more than his fare share of opposing the genuine extreme right in this country, I don't know whether to be narked or just laugh at the cluelessness.
  2. Ok , getting to grips with what you got now Mike. Fleetwood Mack? kidding natch
  3. Here's the 45s. Click for a slightly larger version.
  4. Looks like there's more chance of everybody having a copy Lucy in the Sky or Town Call Malice... ... not you though, obviously, Rod.
  5. Sorry, yep. Born in Northern Ireland but represented the Republic. Still different records though as any fule kno
  6. Yeah. Vinyl and clearly photocopied label
  7. Damn your quick fingers Tabs
  8. Well, 90% have it wrong then. She did represent Northern Ireland at Eurovision but with a different song. Came 7th too! Nine Times out of Ten was recorded later. You can read the whole story HERE
  9. I know what was on the DCT acetate - as I said, I had one. Please try to keep up Tony. Those strings were synth ones too - same sort as on the Mirwood insts Simon did. As for the old Fox, I meant Soussan (soul fox..). Just wondered where he got the inst from.
  10. Pete, I think what Tony's referring to is that SS was the source of the instrumental version. I had a copy of that DCT Recorders acetate with Sid Barnes Orchestra / Detroit Symphony. The "I Have Faith..." track is the same as appeared on the back of the Barbara McNair boot - the volume drop-out and speed change at the begining are identical. Like to know where the old fox got it from though.
  11. More to the point, has he posted anything that isn't essentially a sales pitch? Let me look... ..oh guess what. All posts are sales related
  12. This should probably be your first port of call. hammondbeat.com
  13. I'd do another edit and alter that to 26 days as well mate
  14. Given your difficulty in even spelling your name correctly I think I should let you off and I apologise for ridiculing your disability. More to the point, given my own disability of a short attention span I think I should leave this thread before I... ...Look! Over there! Brightly coloured thingies!!!
  15. I certainly have one of these but unfortunately I only have the correctly spelled version.
  16. So did I. You should be getting pretty good at this by now.
  17. And if I have to advance another - have we had Tommy Neal - Going to a Happening yet? On a few labels, Detroit, not Motown, good tune: what's not to love?
  18. Sorry - been busy
  19. Maybe the bidders on the one that went for 23 quid on ebay HERE
  20. Clearly you should have smashed it first
  21. Well it may be considered cheesy but I think the arrangement on Wayne Gibson's version of Under My Thumb is fantastic. Mind you I wouldn't cross the road for a copy of Leon Young Strings...
  22. If we get really stuck I like that idea (Mace's?) of going for any version of Wade in the Water.
  23. I get this Steve With Quantum theory your records can be in two places at the same time. Although I understand that by rights if you use it to move a record through space instantaneously you have to destroy the original It's just the animal cruelty that gets my goat.
  24. Or Jezebells (sp?) Tainted Love
  25. Oh, all the above minus Shades of Blue for me too (Album you see).

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