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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. You want record shops to close down, vinyl and CD plants to go out of business, labels to fold, artists to have no choice other than streaming/downloads to get their music out there? Wow - that seems pretty bitter mate
  2. I was surprised to see these going through a legit distributor to be honest...
  3. Dunno what "as is" means but it has a repro of the TP label complete with handwritten comments.
  4. Beat you to it last night on the RSD thread Denise. Sorry!!!!
  5. Just told you elsewhere mate. Jack White has it pinned up on the wall at Third Man Records ;)
  6. Nobody interested in the repro Frank Wilson test press then? At least we know where it went now ;)
  7. Any time mate
  8. Chatting to the pensioners on their way to play bingo in Bolton...
  9. Pretty sure there's no stand-alone 45 of this version. John Thomas does an ok version on Veep, although if I'm honest I prefer the more mod sounding flip, Come See Me (I’m Your Man).
  10. Is it Jimmy Georgantones?
  11. Which event and what was the attendance in comparison to previous events at the venue?
  12. We’re having a launch event on Tuesday 6th March when the RSD list is revealed. Live music and a DJ set by Goldfrapp’s old drummer/remixer. We’ll also be taking orders for the limited edition Rega turntable that’s being launched in conjunction with RSD and giving away some booze courtesy of one of the other RSD partners. A couple of indie distributers have let slip what some of their releases will be but haven’t seen anything of interest to SS members so far.
  13. Thanks for the kind words words folks- and to Mike for making this a feature. Our first four weeks have been amazing and we've encountered some really cool and interesting people. Come and say hello if you're in the area!
  14. Paul aka longtime member @Godzilla has passed on word all about a new real world record store that is now up and running up Scarborough way. Has passed on current store info along with hopes and dreams below sounds like a must drop in if/when round that way. Info from Paul... The shop sells a mix of approximately 70% new stock and 30% second hand, both vinyl and CD. We aim to stock interesting items across all genres, as the shop has to service the general public, but there are always a few rotating crates of original soul/funk/R&B 45s as well as 50s and 60s UK label singles and there are two decks with headphones to listen to them. We also stock CDs and vinyl from the likes of Kent, Ace, BGP, Outtasite and specialist reggae labels and we carry a good range of music memorabilia/gift items with the focus on 60s/mod related material. We never know what's coming in next in respect of used vinyl, and have already acquired a couple of soul and punk 45 collections. In 2018 a second sales floor will be open upstairs, where, in addition to more music to browse and another listening station, we'll be serving posh coffee and biscuits. Everyone who works in the shop is music mad - as are our customers - so although we need to sell records, hanging, meeting, chatting and chilling in the shop is very much encouraged! Physical opening hours are Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 17:00. We'll probably open additional hours in summer. Record Revivals, 6 Northway Scarborough YO11 1JL. Phone 01723 351983. Email info@recordrevivals.co.uk Facebook: Record Revivals The website is http://www.recordrevivals.co.uk - at present, it's a holding page but in the new year there will be a functioning website with cart system for online shopping.
  15. Details of a new real world record store that is now up and trading vinyl and cds up in Scarborough. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
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  16. You all know I was taking the micky, right? Crikey you lot are out of practice!
  17. How very dare you!
  18. Quite right. There are only five records so it's obvious that someone has to have played them. For what it's worth I'd start off with this and just go faster to the end of the spot. Give 'em a night to remember...
  19. Excellent info Pete!
  20. My shop's closed Sunday/Monday so it worked well for us. Plus, as I said, Sunday was my birthday so it panned out brilliantly. You're right though, unlike soul nights, which are invariably weekend events, touring acts from the US have to play most days of the week so it requires a lot of commitment to see them. In my old job I used to do the same and take a days leave to see people in Manchester, Leeds, London, Newcastle and sometimes London - doing a quick two day dash. The rewards of seeing some of these old ladies and gents in the flesh sure makes up for it though...
  21. My pleasure Chalky - I keep seeing great stuff from AGMP at the Under The Bridge venue in London as well, but it always seems to be a week before or after we've arranged to go there. Might try to hit Detroit Cobras in April though!
  22. I get the mailing list mate. Scroll to the bottom and you can subscribe for updates: https://agmp.co.uk/
  23. I'll try to remember to post something when I book in future. To be honest, since we opened the shop it's been pretty full on and I don't spend quite so much time online.
  24. I'm on the BOTW mailing list and I would have thought that other folk within reasonable traveling distance would be too. I've seen Lee Fields, Joe Quarterman, Marlena Shaw, Cymande, Quantic, Alice Russell and others there. If that's not enough reason to sign up, I don't know what is. I agree with Chalky though that when other soul/funk/R&B performers have been playing there and it's been mentioned on the forum, there never appears to have been more then half a dozen (if that) Soul Source members at the gigs.

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