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Stevecee last won the day on December 3 2021

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    Deepest Dorset
  • Top Soul Sound
    Mel Britt

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    Long time Soul fan, mainly collect 70s and Soulful house these days, but don't hold that against me!

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  1. Remember this being a decent film with proper dancing and and the Price of Pain sounded an absolute belter but as far as I know was never released, wonder if it is a full song or just a couple of breaks recorded for the film.
  2. Was playing my tape of 4th Aniiversary a few weeks back, so many great records its a job to know where to start!. Will dig it ouit and post up a playlist
  3. I always thought this was so, but Angloamerican have made comments on Discogs which suggest otherwise, could it be that people have scratched in sterling on the other white boot showing on Discogs that has diff run out groove details and have muddied the waters or are Anglo wrong. https://www.discogs.com/release/5903109-The-Carstairs-It-Really-Hurts-Me-Girl
  4. Loads of Jackie WIlson records, seem to recall Feeling, Who Who, Lost You etc being everywhere on US, also Gene Chandler Time on same label plus lots of Dells on Chess such as Wear It, Believe Me etc
  5. Thanks Rick, that closes the circle, I knew I knew it when i first heard the other version (if that makes sense), just didn't connect the dots!
  6. Perfect, thanks so much, just as lovely as I remember!
  7. Hoping someone can help me identify a song, you know how it is, you wake up and something triggered a memory of it, but can I remember it....... Female beautiful vocals, searing oohs and ahhs, great harmonies, mid tempo, xover feel, the only lines i can remember are If i was a movie star you'd be my leading man and if I had a magic wand I'd give you everything. Thanks all Steve
  8. Says 2004 on mine, but I changed email several times and was definately here in the early days, in fact I can remember meeting you at the old Uptown Down South events and you telling me about how you had plans to take what KTF had done and expand upon it and you most certainly did that, wonderful resource! Cheers Steve
  9. Apologies for reviving an old thread, but I just found a couple of tapes I had in storage from the 4th Anniversary and can't play them until next week and wanted to see if any of the posters in this thread could confirm some details. From memory I think it was around May/June 98? and looking at the records played on the tape most likely Guy,(lots of Stafford biggies) Butch and Soul Sam were Djing, does that ring any bells? I hope to be able to transfer them to MP3 and upload them to Mixcloud soonish and given the high regard people had for it always wondered why this venue didn't get a themed CD release like many other Venues have (bit like Yate I guess). Cheers Steve
  10. Sad news, was great to deal with and had a terrific sense of humour which he used to great effect on me when I was bidding on a copy of Choice Of Color on one of his auctions back in the mid 90s Auctions weren't as advanced back then and I had to ring to see if I had won and he said I was unlucky this time and that some other guy has won it. He then said, I think he's also English, do you want his name, he may sell you it. I said I didn't think he should be disclosing another persons name/details and he laughed and said no its fine, you know him well, his name is Steve Carter.... Gotcha! RIP
  11. Back in the late 70s we used to go to the Abingdon allnighers, I don't remember any resident big name DJs there, although I think Steve Jeffries was involved, but just like Yate it was a reasonable distance from Dorset so it was a cheaper/easier alternative to Wigan etc and it was always popular with a good atmosphere. Anyway this was during the height of the 'Pop' Era so it won't surprise anyone that a lot was played but the biggest record one night (played at least 3 times) was covered as Florence Devore and we hadn't heard it anywhere else. Like a lot of people those days we always took a tape recorder so that we could listen at home and on the journey back to Poole we played the tape and all agreed it was a perfect dancer especially the drum breaks which were made for spinnning! The next day I am playing the tape at home and getting the usual turn that down shouts from my parents so when my Mum appears I am expecting the final turn it down or turn it off speech, but she says I know that last song. I laugh and tell her no way Mum, its Northern Soul, she shakes her head and says, well its not a great recording maybe its similar or a different version, play it again. I rewind and play it again and almost instantly she says it's definately Helen Shapiro, I bought it when it was in the charts, I've still got it somewhere, she was a real favourite of mine, did you know she was born in the same place as your Nan? I'll ask your Dad where he put my old 45s so you can check, its probably in the loft. Sure enough when I get home the next day the 45 is on the bed and its Helen Shapiro "Tell Me What He Said" and so even though I know she sings Stop And You Will Bccome Aware I play it hoping its not the same record simply because I can't handle that my Mum not only knows it, she actually bought it! Of course it is the same record, but it sounds so different at home that I wonder how we could have thought it sounded so good, maybe the loudness and atmosphere? Now I am really torn, I am gutted that its her, that's it a chart hit and worst of all that my parents are ribbing me on how after telling them how Northern Soul is all about rare Soul records I have been dancing to a Pop hit. But at the same time I was Djing at local Soul nights back then and know if I play it the lads that were at Abingdon would all be amazed I had it and it would likely pack the floor and it could be a game changer for me as a DJ locally. In the end I couldn't bring myself to play it, knowing its history the magic had gone and although it seemed to disappear from playlists of that time, it's still played these days but I can't hear it without thinking about the day my Mum uncovered a Northern Soul record! Anyone else got a similar story or maybe a cover up of their own that got busted?
  12. I bought some stuff off her last year but that was on Dicogs, try this link and use the message option https://www.discogs.com/user/bluesgirl1875 Cheers
  13. Evertytime I see the Differences go for this kind of money I kick myself for giving 2 away as prizes for a dance compeition at one of our local soul nites in the late 70s. I loved the record but everyone wanted stompers back then so I stuck it on every tape I did for people and actually wrote Northern Soul on the label so the winners might actually play it. I have no idea where the 2 copies went so if you have bought one with Nothern Soul written on the label its my fault. I actually found 3 copies plus other Clifton Dyson related 45s like the Educators Band in a box of records in a gift shop on Poole Quay next to a fishing shop.
  14. Thanks for the upload, loved the interview and funnily enought recently re-aquired Going, Going, Gone, how its still so cheap to pick up is a mystery!
  15. A couple of years before I knew what Soul was let alone Northern my parents had an LP by the Tymes called People and It was full of Mor type songs, but one of them was very different and I would play it over and over again and found it strange there wasn't anything like that style on the radio as it was so good. Fast forward a few years and I discover Northern and hear this played at my youth club and It all made sense why it had appealed to me as a young kid. Even weirder was when Dan Folger got played years later and I knew the record but couldn't work out how I knew it only to discover there was a slower version on the same Tymes Lp:-)

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