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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. There’s certain records that your never tired of hearing here’s a couple from me harry and the keyavas if this is goodbye and the hesitations is this a way to treat a girl throw yours up peeps
  2. That is nice I think I’ve sorted a white demo
  3. Cheers chap that the same as iv been offered
  4. Ye seen those and a few on eBay I’ve been offered a white demo
  5. Looking at purchasing one seen a few black lane ones plus white label ones and demos any ideas on prices would be appreciated thanx Jazz
  6. Nearly all is stuff is top draw
  7. Ian there was a mistake on behalf of you coming to Dj steve was told to let you no And didn’t I can’t apologise no more and thanx for coming as I said on the night just a mistake no one gets paid we are trying to get the venue going and it’s working free admission and give away free cd to all now and then all said I’m sorry for the misunderstanding all the best Jazz carter lane soul club
  8. Cheers pal looking at one now for £200 think I’ll have it
  9. How much should I be paying for a copy please issue thanx in advance Jazz
  10. The last sweet breeze fetched 400 dollars
  11. Cheers fella
  12. Can anyone point me in the right direction want a few photos posters etc to frame thanx in advance.......Jazz
  13. Manship price £1500 or the repro with bevelled edge is £30 sweet breeze £100 from latest book hope this helps
  14. What should I be paying for a nice copy time will pass you buy thanx in advance jazz rough ideas please
  15. The acapella version is sublime
  16. Can bring me to tears just awesome
  17. Ok pal thanx
  18. Is it on the black label ?
  19. Have you a pic of Alexander patten please

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