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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Any recommendations for removing felt tip of labels thanx in advance
  2. Cracking pics pal
  3. Thanx folk didn’t realise there were so many thought I’d heard a female version and it’s not any of these very similar to Jackie Trent ?
  4. Is there any soul gigs on the isle mate ?
  5. Other than Jackie Trent who did versions of you baby thanks in advance
  6. This on eBay at moment ? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123557508416
  7. Had the same problem a while back searching high & low to no avail I’d put it in with another single
  8. I played these 3 other night nowt spectacular but seem to go down well Alexander patton I’ll little lovin sometimes broadways you just don’t no carol anderson sad girl
  9. Got a lot of plays at the hippshaker gigs Iow scooter rally
  10. Played out at shirebook the other month (req) get your self over in the new year all the best jazz
  11. No words needed https://youtu.be/6kKs3pZLAO4
  12. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F253772015711
  13. Nice tune
  14. Cheers chaps very interesting
  15. Having acquired one of these kenni lewis not the marring kind what’s the story did Pete smith have it pressed I’ve seen something about it on here I think and yes I no it’s a boot
  16. Book ordered many thanx
  17. Cheers fella will order one
  18. Daft want I know anyone selling the new book some buy read and sell on thanx jazz
  19. List please mate
  20. Went past on Monday use to be a fantastic Chinky years ago
  21. Cheers chaps thought it was just purchased one yesterday of here
  22. is This a proper one ? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273461486495
  23. Was with him on Monday the gentleman of northern soul he comes to my gig every month to sell records carries everywhere
  24. That’s what rob smiths used for ever

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