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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Swapped mine for some rare Lambretta accessories ?
  2. A friend of mine says he t cut some of is records and it does improve the sound ?
  3. It's not just soul ive got a few lambrettas im a member of the Lambretta club of Great Britain ive got to say there are some right twats turn up at scooter doos far worse than I've seen on the soul seen am I being a prude or it it my age lol enjoy while you can I say
  4. Thanx guys think im sorted now or should be in next few days fingers crossed
  5. I only go local to me near mansfield so that's grovsnor-North wing etc not seen owt there but winding wheel gets some f..kin local twats in so stopped going my opinion only so don't shoot me down
  6. Sorted
  7. Many thanx guys still jet lagged up as just got back from Florida
  8. Anita humes what did I do & the enchanters you were ment to be my baby cheap and cheerfull condition not important thanx jazzy
  9. If it's any help harkett records have just released a pressing
  10. Me & Steve h did a gig in marks & Spencer's shop East midland outlet yesterday for prostrate cancer thanx to all the people who popped in to say hi and donate a big thanx to Steve goody & Studge for taking over while we got some grub loads of money collected for a good cause jazzy b mod plod squad
  11. Use to have my trousers made at Julian jeloneks mansfield high waistband 3 or 4 zips plus 4 pocket flaps on the back and got my loafers from Chris hattons also in mansfield records from sat market stall and upstairs syd booths Phil kings wood emi discs under the counter
  12. Spare change alive and well old Wigan toon I think
  13. Just watched the film enjoyed but to much about drugs and same records always played did Wigan cleethorpes notts pallia in the early 70s but enjoy myself more these days
  14. Got loads in my area all good value North wings -grovesnor rooms black hearts etc .....jazzy
  15. Cheers thought £20 i sooner play the flip
  16. Me m8 wants one of me copy's nice clean on huff puff what's it worth thanx jazz
  17. There is a couple on eBay at mo
  18. got this £4.99 love it l
  19. got this £4.99 love it
  20. I ad my trousers and a suit made at jeloneks will av a dig for some pics
  21. Went in feb this year for a few days bleaker bobs in Greenwich also one round the corner can't remember the name go the a thrift shop in brocklyn called the thing all recs 2 for a dollar came away with about 30 aint it baby miricales & beat me to the punch mary wells first 2 I picked up check it out on YouTube you will be gob smacked
  22. There's a ghost in my house ?
  23. RIP bobby womack Harry hippie still one of my fav tracks
  24. Was wandering round market in mansfield were I used to work on my break come across a few recs on a booter kurt Harris emperor to my baby's heart demo 20 p plus a few more bits jackie wilson pat lewis etc never seen owt else tho other than thrift shops in New York in feb that was great the thing in brocklyn is amazing 2 recs for a dollar
  25. Four tops ask the lonely levi Stubbs best singer to ever walk this planet can still bring me to tears no words can describe the accapella version sublime

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