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Everything posted by nrc

  1. Well the world is your oyster. If you are from the manchester area just go to the events page.
  2. I also watched the show being a fan of Carol king. If you look at the number of songs that Goffin/King wrote together, it was a phenominal amount , both for white and black artists. whether you can class them as soul music i don't know . But they had to be one of the best Writers/arrangers of that era.
  3. Saw Pete Tildsley about three days ago, older but still the same Pete. Always, even when doing his shopping carries his bag over his shoulder.
  4. Mon,tue or wed is a no no in my book . You have to get a Fri or Sat for best numbers, otherwise i think you would be dissapointed
  5. Dont know whether you mean the allnighters or alldayers. Went to both. Funny one was at the alldayers on a Sunday Bank holiday. With a crowd from Stockport. The bar was only open till 2.00pm then reopened at 1900p.m. we were upstairs in the afternoon and nearly got thrown out for flicking suger cubes of the balcony on to the dancefloor. Always remember it cause when it was finished we went into an a curry house just near Piccadilly. My mate who had no cash said after seeing the menu,"I will have the popadoms with chutney sauce", which was priced at 4p. The waiter replied "what would you like for the main cource ". At which he replied "that is my main cource". We just fell about laughing and in the end walked out. HAPPY DAYS!
  6. One of my memories of Va Va's was used to be near the last couple of hours stepping over bodies to get on the dancefloor, usually young females with their skirts riding over their rears. Oh yeah baby!!!
  8. A little bit of info needed please. Was listening to BBC Radio Sheffield the other night and heard LOVE TIME by the KELLY BROTHERS. This is the first time i have heard this in years and years . Much appreciated any info on the brothers ie where they were from ,what label,whether still going today? THANKS...
  9. I think i will take all suggestions on board and play them at a venue one after the other to see how many left on the dancefloor at the end of my spot!!!
  10. The Dells I certainly is. When it was a real fast one i used to find it best to slow down my dancing as not to look like an idiot.
  11. I was thinking back about records that i found it really hard to dance to. Here is a couple i could never get to grips with HOLD ON ----THE RADIANTS HIGHER AND HIGHER-----JACKIE WILSON Anymore out there.
  12. A few real oldies Something keeps calling me back -Wayne Fontana Gotta have your love- the sapphires Sally saying something- Billy Harner
  13. Not to put a dampner on your trip to New York, but finding good record shops in the big apple are few and far between. I would either search on the internet first before you go, or look in any local newspapers when your there for any flea markets etc. When i was there last, i only found the odd shop with maybe a few Lps that frankly were not worth buying.
  14. Tammi Terrell in "Guess Whos Coming To Dinner"
  15. Matchy good dancer, also Val from Manchester, but also a good dancer Pete Tildsley
  16. Rest in Peace Teddy!!! A sad day for all soul fans. . What a voice . What i would call a true "LEGEND".
  17. In reply to your topic, I think that the reason that numbers may have fallen at venues, is the huge number of soul events that are happening at the moment. You only have to look at the Events Page on this website to notice that there has been a huge jump in the number, with many clashing with others on the same night. As for the social networking sites, i think they do help the scene by helping people to keep in touch with friends,and for any discussions about any topics they feel inclined to speak up about. NRC
  18. I know most know this. But for anybody who does not. Steve whites Northern soul show on BBC Radio Sheffield is the best one around. Every Wed 7 till 10, Three hours of great sounds with no commercial breaks and all requests played. Anybody agree!
  19. Very sad news of his passing I read somewhere that Elvis used to invite him and his band to play at any birthday parties etc at Graceland , because Elvis thought he was the best to get the party rockin.
  20. A few more sounds i remember well at the pendelum are Getting used to the blues Bobby Bland There's nothing else to say Incredebles Walk like a man Johnny Moore Its allright Ed Crook Standing in the darkness Ethics The Gallop I think Milton Wright [ not sure on that one] Exus trek Luther Ingram Cracked up over you Danny White Im standing Rufus Lumley I worship you baby The Glories I used to call in at the Douglas (not there anymore) all the print workers from Withy Grove used to frequent it. Only about 35p a pint at the time. and a good pint of Wilsons bitter at that,then hit that dancefloor. Any body remember the Ritz on a monday night about the same time as the Pendelum. They used tp play the commercial hits. But twice for about hour or a bit less Billy Butler of Radio Merseyside fame used to bang on some Northern. Used to make me laugh because all of a sudden there would be lads doing frontdrops,backdrops etc. The regulars who where trying for a Monday night pickup must have thought" What the f--- is going on here.
  21. Thanks Steve and Tony for the sad news of Barry. He was always fun to be around with and quite rightly always well dressed and groomed. I think he told me he worked at Burtons the Tailor. I last saw him at the Masonic club in Stockport a couple of years ago . he was with his wife or girlfriend and said he lived in Halifax or somewhere like that . He really was the life and soul of the party. Thanks N.R.C.
  22. Thanks for reply Tony. Didnt know Barrys second name. But only saw him again afew years ago seemed fine then N.R.C.
  23. Was talking to a friend the other day about when we started going to the Pendelum in Manchester. I cant remember how we i heard about this club ,maybe from word of mouth or in Blues and Soul. Anyway me,FS,RC,and JD decided to give it a wirl We got the 92 bus from Stockport to Manchester, walked down to Victoria. I knew it was behind the Cathedral somewhere but at first glance nothing. we must of gone round the Corn Excange about twice before stopping to ask somebody."Oh! you want the MSG club"he said.Still now never knew what that stood for.Anyway in we went. A little corridor led us in where you had to sign the book with your name and adress,paid our fifty pence or whatever it was and proceeded down the stairs. At the bottom you turned right into the room, the bar being on the left,small bar stools and tables around the room itself,toilets at the back,DJs area at the front. We were the first in at about 7pm. Barry Tasker and Dave White were there setting up. The floor seemed like a kind of bitumen or something cause if you spilled any drinks on it you slipped quite easy. Anyway the place started to fill up and and soon the place was rocking. I was gobsmacked ! the dance area was always heaving, tune after tune i had never heard of. I had to keep getting up to see what was next on and who by. What a night we had. Got the last bus home, Chips and pudding at the chippy and on to watch the late hammer horror on the box. Every Friday would go and the odd Saturday soon getting to know lots of people there. I remember we were always about first in, a lad with long hair at the bar was usually there about the same time with usually some records in a plastic bag. i always used to ask him for a look. I think his name was Richard Searling. Only joking it was Searling. then there was Barry from leve his knickname was "barry big eyes". I used to always ask how he was, his reply usually "smashed" some kind of substance abuse i think. Then there would be Malc from Stockport dancing legs going like a wild stallion, with the arms thrashing everywhere usually hitting people on the head and body. But what a fantastic little club. I was only about 16 or 17 at the time. I was talking to somebody and he said " do you go to the Torch in Stoke", never heard of it i said . He said we meeet up at piccadilly station at about 8pm on Saturday I said great ill be there. And like they say the rest is history! N.R.C.

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