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Everything posted by nrc

  1. Never like it. Always reminded me of some sort of breakfast cereal advert.
  2. Betty Turner "The Winds Kept Laughing" It was San Diego, I think maybe about 1962-63. Our band agent asked us for songs because he was going to record a young singer named Betty Turner. She had developed three backup girls and they called themselves the Chevelles. I was the sole songwriter on their first "A" side attempt, a song called "Blue Star". Despite the lack of success our agent and Betty Turner were going to go for it again. John Gummoe was the lead singer of our band (writer of The Cascades "Rythm Of The Rain")and he I co-wrote two songs for them.."The Winds Kept Laughing" and "Little Miss Misery". We had built a little garage studio and was using a Wollensak reel to reel recorder at 7 and 1/2 speed. Musicians on the record were myself on rythm guitar, Dave Wilson (of the Cascades) on drums, Dave Stevens (also of the Cascades) on elec bass, and all the horns were done by local kids from the high school, plus two elderly and retired musicians. The amp and reverb came from sending all signals through a Fender Bandmaster amp with the speakers disconnected. That was our amp, mixer and sound effects combined! We used this same setup on all of the early Cascade demo's when we were shopping for a contract. At one time there was an RCA engineer who asked what studio we cut at and when we told him what we were doing he was totally blown away! "Winds" was never a big hit in the states. I have often wondered what became of Betty Turner and her group. No one I know has ever heard from them again. Those were some great times..... we were sure everything we did was going to be a smash! Well, it was good to be ignorant or we never would have attempted it. Betty Turner... the Chevelles ....wherever you are... I wonder if you still think of those days! Want to try it again? I think I've got an old Bandmaster amp around here somewhere... maybe this time we'll catch the brass ring! Lenny Green Thanks for that info Boba. I cut this Item from Lenny Green from the website" It should have been a hit " he was from La. Maybe she was one of those artists that just got married,settled down, and never returned to recording. Still , would love to hear how she has fared.
  3. The voices don,t sound the same, but with different studios anythings possible. Apparently the cut on the Wind single was only done on a two track reel to reel machine. But thanks for the info.
  4. Jan Foreman- Your last chance- Meadowbrook label. Only bit of info i could find on this lady was she may have been a local radio dj. But i find that non plausable , as most dj,s in the sixties were exclusivly male. Betty Turner-The winds kept laughing-Crescent Records Cut in San Diego, never to be heard from again. Would be grateful for any info on these ladies.
  5. The mind can play funny games at times. I sometimes i find when trying to remember the name of a group, it always seems to come to me after waking up in the morning.
  6. I went to a couple of Shag dances in Myrtle beach and got talking to a few people. Then showed them some footage on my phone of Blackpool weekender dance comp. they thought it great, and preety similar.
  7. The reason why i ask, is that they both seem to have similar themes. Both started around the same time mid sixties. Both are predominantly made up of white people who enjoy dancing to African American RnB ,Soul, and a lot of the dance moves are similar albeit that the Americans tend to dance as pairs. They both encompass spins and drops,and even the use of talc on the dancfloor. You only have to go on Youtube to find that some of the artists are the ones that we know and love, Willie Tee, The showmen, Percy sledge, Garnett Mimms, and the Dells to name a few.
  8. I didn,t mind it when i first heard it,even bought a copy. I think at the time anything went as long as the tempo was right. One of my hated one,s is The Vogues " Thats the Tune" what a load of dross, once again it was the tempo of the song.
  9. Bit pricey ,but you can,t beat a pair of Loaks. I had a pair that i resoled three times before eventually the shoes started to fall apart. They do plenty of different styles from brogues to slip ons.
  10. Ive heard from a few people with the same comment.. If you curtailed the bar at a certain time stating on the flyer or door that the bar closes at a certain time might work. But its unfair on the honest punters who like a late bar.
  11. I was listening to Marc Riley on BBCRadio six when i heard this track by a group called the Knickers. I thought Mmm Not Bad. But i couldnt think what Northern sound it reminded me of. Any ideas?
  12. Always remember about 1974 when in the Army in Germany. Edwin Starr was on at a nightclub called the Alhambra in a place called Isserlohn. It was a wed night and there was only about thirty people in the place. He did his first set of numbers then sat next to me at the bar, and was surprised to find i was English and a huge fan . After sharing a few drinks he said "Its a waste of time doing the second set with this lot", who didnt seem to know any of his numbers ecxept for WAR, so we just sat at the bar for the rest of the night drinking shorts and chatting until it was time for him to leave.
  13. Can,t see them developing that site for a while. There are office blocks and apartments that have remained empty since they were built next to and around the general area of the Wheel. As for another hotel ,i doubt it, as you have the Minit hotel and Malmaison within spitting distance.
  14. One that i cannot stand The Snake -Al wilson, reason, you always get some joker who maybe only went to one northern venue in the seventies in his life ,and now always requests it to be played as its most likely the only one he knows. Then goes on to regale you of all his past experiences.
  15. I would have to say Richard Searling. Always well respected, and kept my interest on his Radio Shows in the eighties and early nineties when Northern was in decline , before making a re-emergance in the latter half of the nineties.
  16. Any tickets still available?
  17. Im not fussed either way as long as long as it sounds good. Nobody seems to knock a bit of Mitch Ryder.
  18. Doing a nice job there. Nice to see plenty of young doing the moves, and hopefully trying a few new ones as well.
  19. I would have at one time,but as one gets older and begins to see some sence now , i only travel to local venues ,or ones within a thirty mile radius.
  20. Remember my first time at the Torch - Sam and Kitty -Ive got something good . ( every body on the floor for this one) Eddie Parker -Love you Baby. The Tymes- What would i do. Also remember Soul Sam playing Otis Smith- Let her Go , for the first time only about five people bothered to dance to it until it had a few more plays.
  21. The drive from LA to Vegas is pretty boring with not a great deal to appease the eye. If i remember it takes about five hours going through San Berndino up into the mountains then down the other side. Most people tend to stop for a break at Barstow which is just a big truck stop basically. If you want a diversion for a couple of hours try a drive through Death Valley National Park, other than that visit one of the many dead towns along the route, which mainly are for the tourst industry.
  22. Prestwich was one of my favourite venues. As for Terry if you were to sum him up it would be ,well liked by everyone.
  23. If you like your Chinese starters, how about Bob Brady and the Conchords- Everybodys going To A love In.
  24. I love Northern Soul , but i also like a bit of funk especially seventies. I think there could be room where you have multi roomed Soul Nights. At some venues they have an R&B,Modern rooms, so why not try a Funk Room. If it doesnt work out its not because it s not been tried.
  25. I would say if you want to encourage younger DJ,s, give the first spot at the bigger venues to young DJ,s who want to play what they like. Whether their records are expensive or not doesnt make any difference.

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