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About nrc

  • Birthday 23/02/1956

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    only one interest really Northern Soul
  • Top Soul Sound
    Run for Cover The Dells

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    Not much to say really. Been on the scene since the days of the Pendelum in manchester. Been to loads of venues .Favorites being The Torch,Wigan, Prestwich and Tonys. Love looking for old Photos of artists and flyers.

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  1. Try going to Anthony Riechart s u tube channel he is a record collector who has a wealth of knowledge on female artists.
  2. Not sure if it was first played at Torch , but i remember Soul Sam playing Let Here Go - Otis Smith . Only a few danced to it , most likely like me they had never heard it before, but one of those tracks that grew into a biggie.
  3. So sorry to hear this. He always had time converse with anybody at any venue. Just a really lovely fella.
  4. I believe it was an old tram or bus depot. i remember going also.
  5. R.I.P Billy. So sad to hear. Was on the door with Jimmy at many a venue around the North West.
  6. Give Soulsville Whitefield a whirl, which is on the 9th March assuming thats the weekend your in Manchester. Always a warm welcome, but make sure you get there early as its always packed. A nice little venue with a great crowd. Catch the Bury tram from Manchester city centre , off peak return is about £4.50 make sure you buy before you board, takes around 25 mins get off at the Whitfield stop. just across the road is Morrisons , follow the main rd , take the first right right at the end of morrisons Elms Rd and its on your left. less than two mins walk from the tramstop. Last tram back to city centre is 00.36 . Hope this is useful.
  7. Happy days. sometimes after it finished i would end up with Barry Robinsonon going to girls house in Ardwick or another in Miles Platting , then going back to his house in Levenshulme. I can always remember his mum making us breakfast in the morning saying "you two look a bit rough this morning, must have been a good night out, not knowing that we hadn, t been to sleep at all.
  8. If he's got a function on he will play a recorded session. And as he was at Kings Hall on Sat , that is the reason why.
  9. Jackie Wilson, and Major Lance was a pretty good dancer as well.
  10. when going to the Torch from Manchester we used to buy a platform ticket for about 1p to get onto the platform then board the last train to Stoke. If the guard came round it was a case of everybody in the toilet. Remember one morning on going back to Manchester two policemen checking tickets on Tunstall Station. Had to hang back for ages for them to leave,didn't get back till around 2pm.
  11. First time I went my mate Terry Podmore organized a 52 seat coach from Stockport. A good day enjoyed by all, only downside was it was a blistering hot day. Sweated some that day.
  12. For me its Martha Reeves No one There. A sad ,sentimental song , that highlights Martha,s singing range to the full. Always brings a slight tear to the eyes. Makes me think about some of my friends who sadly aren't around anymore.
  13. not wrong Roburt says 65 on the poster
  14. its a shame to see when quality record shops close,but it makes sense online only, no big overhead's .

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