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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Regularly hear Roy Ayres-Evertbody Loves The Sunshine in the Factory Shop.
  2. Gary

    Dede Warwick

    Won a mint copy on e-bay myself quite recently, paid £16 and thought that was a bit high untill found out what others were paying.
  3. Wild guess Ken, Chosen Few?
  4. Lots really, but this one in particular at the minute, Now baby i need you with all my soul, Come some day we'll reach our goal, Got to keep moving and we cant turn around, Happiness and success it can be found.
  5. That i can believe as we all drank brown and mild in these parts in them days
  6. Clueless me Ken, nice though.
  7. Dont believe this Dave, no way........................ Manns Brown? Come on
  8. But hopefully not the thickest thing youv'e seen
  9. Marvellous, kind of sums it up really
  10. Heaven, pure heaven. Soul and Malt
  11. Agreed, 100%.
  12. Yep, sold my copy of Joe Simon's Love Vibration LP in the 80's and recently picked it up in a second hand shop in Lincoln. Also, bought an O'Jays 45 of e-bay and the name written on the label was the same surname as a lady i work with so showed it to her and it was her husbands old copy he had sold in the 80's. Spooky (ish).
  13. I once met Bernie Winters in Skegness
  14. Actually Pete, think you may have a point here
  15. Bloody love it I have the funds
  16. Could have been Honestly, no hard feelings, i enjoy the chase and the chase goes on. However, if you ever want to sell Top sound though Gash.
  17. Its OK Pete, just spent my last spare £s so would have to wait any way. Young Mr Bond wll probably have sold it by then anyway, if not then im sure there would be room for negotiation
  18. Sorry Baz, youv'e just lost a potential sale
  19. My bid was $70 and it went for $71 as i recall.
  20. Chooooon Baz, if i hadn't just spent a ton i would have had that, sorry, if youv'e still got it next month will talk bizniss.
  21. Thats right Pete, got this one and the Cajun Hart one which has Linda Jones-Last Minute Miracle on the flip, great value for a fiver IMO.
  22. Jean Battle-I've Got To Come In-Clintone Demo, so close on e-bay recently then sniped. You know who you are
  23. Yep, only not as good and more expensive.
  24. Re-assuring as paid £19 for mine
  25. Quite like the one in my avatar.

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