I know what you mean, at a recent soul venue they played that lost summer love-lorraine silver and it cleared the floor took the DJ awhile to recover and spoilt it a bit
I know what you mean, my own preference is for the more mecca type ethereal sound of say a colin curtis set but i dont listen to it exclusively as my wife likes a good old stomper (no pun intended)!
C'mon, James Brown did'nt think the Magnificent Men were shite did he? And what about David and the Giants, you cant tell me they dony make you wanna move?
Ok for years i thought construction were black atrists and too my amazement i only learnt a couple of years ago that they are white, see its all in the vocal expression not the skin. Anyway my mate Kev invented northern soul.
OK, got an opinion on this one, to me soul music is about emotional expression in the voice of the artist so practically anyone can vocalise soul music. However i firmly believe on these grounds that instumentals cannot be soul music, anyone agree?
Just to say aswell my wife who is now 40 has only recently started getting into soul (since we started going to nighters again, well first time for her) so its not just younger folk who can get into the scene, and she was a Cand W fan to boot!