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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Benny Troy/Barbara Aklin
  2. If anyone knows where this is and when this is in Spalding please let me know as we have been trying to find out for a while so we can attend, being a group of soulies from that neck of the woods wanting to look further than our own local venues.
  3. Very often hear George Benson played at local (northern) events we attend, primarily his very early stuff and to be honest very few even bat an eyelid least of all myself as a lifelong GB fan. If you haven't already and you can get hold of a copy check out the Benson and Farrell LP see if you can draw any parallels with any other more popular N/S sides played at venues?
  4. Thanks Pete, ive got a copy coming now.
  5. Oh not sure now, its the one Steve Cato dances to on function at the junction which i thought was the imperials but i may well have got it wrong, not got the best memory. Take a raincheck on any MP3 at the moment as im off line at home and am accessing through work computer in lunch break. Can you give me CD titles Pete? By the way, pleased your still here, totally supported what you said on other thread its the music and spreading the faith thats important.
  6. Right, when i got married i sold a lot of my vinyl, because i was hard up. Kept my favouites but somewhere in the murky past i misplaced them or they possibly were stolen. At this time was not too bothered. Recently been trying to replace (not bothered about format anymore) and still need a copy of The Imperials The Hope We Have. Can anyone tell me if its available on CD? If not what other formats bearing in mind i have not mastered MP3 or anything like that yet?
  7. On the xmas theme any suggestions for an xmas final three?
  8. Many thanks, we ever meet ill buy the first and last round!
  9. Not heard this one for years, got the line "Someday well walk in the rays of a beautiful sun" cant remember anymore. Midtempo stuff, may even be white artist,for some reason that line started going through my head recently, dunno why. Anyone shed any light on this, possibly mid to late 70s or even early 80s.
  10. Yeh i like Cleethorpes, never been to Fleetwood. Agree about same records though. Went to an event two sundays ago and the DJ played lost summer love twice in three records. 1/ I dont think this record has a place at a soul venue and 2/ He knows i hate it so was probably trying to wind me up :diablo: . But repetitive playing of songs can spoil the event, to be fair he played some Benny Troy which went down well and broke up the usual set.
  11. I know this is off topic but was listening to funny how weve changed places by i think Debra Anderson on tape, how much does this go for on vinyl, not being a big vinyl collector?
  12. Oh, i see , ho hum. Understand now, wont mention them or it again. Still quite like it though.
  13. Genuine question, hoped for an answer think ill find a more tolerant site (if one exists).
  14. Thanks will keep my eye open for it.
  15. Im back on the scene after avery long break and one of the pleasures of coming back was hearing the four vandals-wrong side of town, what do others think of this track? Is it accepted?
  16. Out of my league im afraid Pete, sorry. Is it available on any other format?
  17. £?
  18. Jerry Butler and the Impressions "For your precious love" is the earliest recognised soul record however i believe Nina Simone (if you class as soul) released earlier records.
  19. Anyone remember Draculas Castle in Sleaford?
  20. I agree 70s were the better years for soul (probably because thats more my era) and venues, interestingly the old northern soul venue in my hometown from the 70s which was long dis and misused has now been renovated and opened as an add-on nightclub type venue as part fo a pub, but every first sunday of the month they have a northern night as the DJ is a brother and they have a guest DJ who plays some mega-rare stuff that we cant hear anywhere else, the venue has a definate 70s feel to it and its like coming home. Next one is this sunday. Its gonna be good.
  21. yeah id been out of the scene for years, marriage and kids etc but then they started a venue in my home town and we have been regular attenders since and got back into scene with a vengeance allthough 22 years on cant quite dance like i used to we still comand respect from the younger attenders. It was this new found energy and enthusiasm that led me to this forum and like Pete ive only been posting a week or so but loving every minute. KTF.
  22. Kim Weston- Too much love making
  23. Get this going again? Heres an easy one to start, "Lately youve been tired and your lovemaking leaves a lot to be desired"
  24. Have you heard the Continental fours version of this, i think its as good as if not better than the Elgins? If you want a sweet soul sound then Cherry People-And Suddenly is pretty good as is Holland/Dozier/Hollands If you dont want to be in my life. Anyone agree?
  25. It sounds like Dr love?

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