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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Donnie Elbert-Get Ready tends to get things going quite well.
  2. Off topic but how many of us are at work at the moment? Im not.
  3. Would Willie Hutch and Jackie Lee be 2 little ducks? (22 for those not familiar with bingo lingo)
  4. Once new a DJ whos set was so predictable that on one occasion he went to the cloak room to "powder his nose" and stayed a little to long. When he came back the audience had put the next track on for him, he asked "how did you know i was going to put this on?", to which the reply was........................"because you always do!"
  5. I know a free venue, air conditioned, wooden dancefloor, leather seats/sofas, top playlist and immaculate toilets. Anyone interested?
  6. Musically, went to the student union in Portsmouth once and nearly every other side was Jackie Wilson, i mean yeah love the guy and his music but after 6 hours got a bit repetitive
  7. Damn
  8. School disco's in the late 70's always had a Northern spot and i remember seeing these older lads doing this amazing dancing (it was always the footwork that fascinated me) and thinking im gonna do that, a couple of years later i was but had left school and moved down south at which time in the Portsmouth area events where few and far between but when i came back to see me ma i would always find something local and sustain it that way.
  9. Oh yes, anything by Benson, love the in flight album but his collaboration with Earl Clugh takes some beating for absolute listening pleasure. Actually your right, this is far better driving music!
  10. Driving home today from work after the usual s***e week, listening to James Walsh Gypsy Band-cuz its you girl and thought is this the perfect sound to unwind to, pretty close IMO. Anybody any better ideas?
  11. Like most instrumentals IMO!
  12. Nice one guess i should have seen that one coming really. I do know that someone i used to work with lived next door to him once. Trivial, i know!
  13. Am i the only person not to like Derek and Clive?
  14. Yes i won bullseye many moons ago, wasnt really serious about the post, just bored last night. Too young to remember or attend the wheel, is that serious about Jim Bowen though?
  15. Will you swap for a bendy bully?
  16. I can only imagine Takes me 20 minutes to drive 20 miles home on a friday night after work
  17. What! You ever been to Lincolnshire? Trust me the words living and Lincolnshire are not mutually compatible. Except Cleethorpes maybe.
  18. I understand, too be honest driving in rural Lincolnshire can be a pretty frustrating experience but nothing compared to the few times ive been on the m25 (usually when i go to chelmsford or west sussex area).
  19. My experience is dont go on the m25.
  20. 2 minutes of heaven, thanks fly
  21. Very much appreciated!
  22. Anyone got an mp3 of One More Chance-Shirley Lawson?
  23. HMMMM......Havent found a diet coke that could'nt be improved by a good whisky?
  24. No argument here, could be improved with a decent whisky!

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