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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Ill have a look see. Be interesting that.
  2. Stonking crossover track though, one i would'nt want to let go
  3. I have a feeling it may be more than this
  4. It was The Classic Sullivans. No idea on price. Unfortunately mines not for sale.
  5. It needs someone to discover a boxfull of these in a dusty warehouse, then the price will drop
  6. But beer will do
  7. Single Malt is the drink with soul my friends
  8. Good point Dave, at last Nags i had word with a young lad who had his pint on the floor, explained to him that it was'nt the done thing and was surprised when he downed it and did'nt do it again (it was during your spot).
  9. Actually, i agree with you on that one Joe
  10. Good post. The question that comes to my mind is not one of do people want this to happen, but one of can it be stopped from happening? Or even should it be stopped? No, categorically, if this scene is to continue. Those of us with kids inevitably find our musical tastes rubbing off on at least one of them, admittedly they still like the other teenage music but i wonder when they reach 20 odd what their musical preferences will be? OK, maybe older than 20. I'd put money on it with my 13 year old lad and some of his mates, it will be Soul. Stevie posted up on another thread about the number of youngsters who had contacted him as a result of his Soul Function package, my lad was one of them. If it was'nt for this medium he would not have been so influenced, it was the first time he had seen the dancing and it won him! With newer mediums such as DVD, Digital Radio etc it is now so easy to reach and influence young people and as soul gets taken along with these mediums then it will inevitably draw new devotees. I think an inevitable side effect of this will be evolution of the music played. IMO
  11. Well said that man Is'nt Derby in the midlands?
  12. Hate to throw this one in but what about the Midlands?
  13. Thanks mate, figured they were
  14. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...ssPageName=WDVW What do you think?
  15. I always understood this to be the case Jon, but can anyone confirm it? I cant.
  16. Jackie Ross?
  17. Over to you then Chalky.
  18. Easy one then. Who's on my Avatar?
  19. Erma Franklin then?
  20. Sorry mate. This better? link
  21. Totally agree Miff, my mate still rates out on the floor as his alltime favourite and will always dance to it no matter what and allthough its not mine or everyones cup of tea, you can bet that once he gets up then the floor will fill, even myself and others who are in-different about such tracks these days will go with him and it inevitably keeps the night going. I think its striking a balance between who likes what in the room and respecting each others preferences. And he did give me a copy of out on the floor as i had'nt got one. Thanks mate
  22. The term that springs to mind to me is "Wake up, smell the coffee"
  23. Definately a bark
  24. Not a chance, but i bet my wife will

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