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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Anything by the Dells, probably a ballad, My Pretending Days are Over maybe?
  2. Got one
  3. Gary

    sscdt alldayer derby 095

  4. Gary


    Who's Jimmy Page?
  5. Dramatics-No rebate on love-Mainstream. PM me if anybodies got one for sale they dont want. Gaz.
  6. Either poet album.
  7. A point here, how many of us still own bags? I might do and i certainly know a number of blokes who do. How many of their wifes/partners would actually allow them to wear them? Mine would not
  8. I have no spills.
  9. Fair enough.
  10. Yes, do we have the right to judge and censure anyone because of thier dress sense? I think not
  11. What a great story Jon, i've got a vague recollection of being there, strange because i both love and hate this song at the same time, love it mainly for nostalgia (was it this weekend?) and hate it for? Well that should be obvious
  12. Oh dear me, just heard it! Pete i think you were being generous but accurate, gonna lock the thread so it cant be posted and others have to suffer it
  13. Thanks Pete, just curious is all, heard a snip the other night and wanted to hear the whole thing (and maybe keep it )
  14. Anyone got an MP3 of Chris Jackson-Ill never forget you. Please Gaz.
  15. Actually, i think i would go along with that.
  16. I think maybe you were looking under riding euipment and saw feedbag Im definately getting me coat.
  17. Coin collectors
  18. Numismatists i think they are called
  19. Never, im in my prime and intend to stay there
  20. Joking Baz, not bidding/buying at minute, its all yours(hopefully )
  21. I've got a rare millenium edition and a Queen mother remix
  22. Baz, you are almost a god
  23. It looks better than mine, might have some competition
  24. The Demo on e-bay looks good Baz Worth keeping an eye on.

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