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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Can just about stand the Chuck Jackson one the rest are ok really but you were joking about the RPW track were you not
  2. My pleasure
  3. Several adjectives could be used, Nice, Tasty, Classy etc, unfortunately Broke is the one that applies to me
  4. Now they do dont they.
  5. Well thats true yes. Recently picked up an IL produced Evelyn Thomas 12" Sorry Wrong Number (79p), only reason ive still got it is i would'nt want anyone to know i had it
  6. I agree with you on this track, not sure about the Johnny Bristol though.
  7. Top tune in my opinion Vic, fiver on Manship plus similar in most vinyl selling shops where i have seen it. I will be playing it on Sunday
  8. So would i ......................But i havent Sorry.
  9. Just done it, absolute Gem, playing it out next week now
  10. Only aware of these three but BJE version is No1 in IMO. I think you can hear a soundbyte on Manship
  11. Last few buys have been mix of e-bay and charity shops; Jackie Wilson-Who Who Song Jackie Wilson-(Your love keeps lifting me) Higher and Higher Dramatics-No Rebate On Love Dramatics-Your Fooling you. Johnny Copeland-Sufferring City Smith Brothers-There must be a better Way Barbara Jean English-Key In The Mailbox/Living a Lie Marvin Gaye-I Heard It Through The Grapevine Smokey Robinson-Tracks Of My Tears Three Degrees-Woman In Love Odyssey-Hang Together (LP) Odyssey-I Got The Melody (LP)
  12. That Brett, is exactly what is needed How likely though?
  13. Good point Brett, but the first thing that comes to mind is did you expect anything different? I for one certainly did'nt and thus far have not been disappointed, the "quality" of the programme is undeniable. Ultimately it is abjectly mainstream, oh, and safe.
  14. Please, ignore the doubters.
  15. Nice sound Pete. Any luck with full version yet?
  16. I get this crap all the time, simply do what i do and ignore it. Reporting to e-bay is a waste of time as well.
  17. Marvin Gaye one is OK though. Tears of a clown is particularly bad IMO.
  18. Or do you have to be over 50 to be a Hippy?
  19. You should become a Hippy and love everybody man
  20. What odds you offering Joe? Betting? Been there done that.
  21. Im under 40 i'd be interested too......
  22. Which incidentally is where i got mine Skull Snaps and Williams and Watson ring any bells

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