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Everything posted by Gary

  1. I dont know Ian and i have thought about it a lot. Dont get me wrong i love sixties soul but that seventies soul sound, i dont know why all i can think is that me mam and sister used to play it all the time and maybe it stuck and i grew into it. I know and i will admit it now, that i do quite like that almost Disco sound of a lot of seventies stuff. I really cant explain it
  2. Was into Sade big time in the 80's, wore a bit thin after a while though. Lot of mod revival bands etc, Truth, Lambrettas, Merton Parkas, Secret Affair. Not the best decade for soul IMO though. Some class tracks like Charlie Manns Shonuff.
  3. Still love sixties soul, though prefer seventies.
  4. Personally Ian i dont try to analyse it too much, i was a Mod and love Tavares, Whispers etc, explain that? I cant. Personal taste i think, cant be anything else really
  5. Great sound, will look out for this
  6. You love it really
  7. Two from Tavares; Too Late The Judgement Day.
  8. Class, as always my friend
  9. On this one Dave, i agree
  10. Following on in this vein then my nomination would be Andy Rix, local guy well respected on the scene and for similar reasons as expressed by Mace.
  11. Good point and i think ultimately we all perhaps have our own personnal gurus, for example the guys who got me into this 20+ years ago at the school disco perhaps had ultimately the most telling influence on me as an individual, i.e. they got me into it and perhaps if i had not met them i would have missed out so in real terms they had more influence on a personal level then anone listed on this thread.
  12. No its not, quite right brother Mace
  13. Entirely coincedental i can assure you Seriously though that record did have a major impact, like it or not.
  14. Deffo Van McCoy.
  15. I know, spooky man, who did you have in mind? Was going to suggest Frank Wilson or even the Carstairs to get the ball rolling on that one.
  16. What about the artists themselves who have made significant impacts on the scene?
  17. He knows his onions thats for sure. Serious contender all joking aside
  18. Absolutely Brett, who in that list should he replace?
  19. No Ian Levine then?
  20. Got mine for about a tenner i think, on United Artists, was quite recent so about this price is good
  21. Actually love this track, top ten for me
  22. No dont get me wrong i prefer modern, most of my collection is 70s-80s and i like the Ronnie McNier a lot But the RPW not my favourite tune, thats it really.

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