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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. As am I! The Good Taste Brothers
  2. Be careful, you'll find yourself being slagged off on another forum for not liking it!
  3. Wow if you can get it without even hearing it you're a genius...nice one!
  4. Doh! We know Jimmy Breedlove from just the one record I think...well I do anyway
  5. Just listened to it again. It's like some nutcase keeps walking in on the session and rambling into the mic. It's like the worst B side you could ever hear.
  6. as what...a folk song?
  7. Christ thats terrible, whats the bloke in the background doing keep talking over the singer?
  8. That was one of the most demented records ever! Little story about that, in the early days of ebay, I used to check every section and the one time in "Novelty" it said "female version of They're coming to take me away" and I was a little intrigued, so I clicked on it - turned out to be the other side of Rose Brooks - I'm Moanin', which I won for $3...around 30 minutes later I won Batman At The Go Go for the same price from the same seller...oh those were the days
  9. I printed a label scan of one of the only know issues on the cover of Beatin Rhythm magazine issue 7 or 8 (it was a fanzine I used to run), it was only on the cover of the first 50 issues... It's the proper black Ember design. The test pressings are blue. The issue is owned by Roy Gelder and I think maybe if someone is really good at searching, I might have uploaded the photocopy of the issue a long time ago
  10. Pete S


    Yes I've got a copy for sale but it's not in good enough nick for you I'm afraid. Visually, labels are perefct, vinyl shiny but you can see lots of little marks near the start, plays with very light crackle right at the start, lessens as it goes along, returns as the record ends. I think I'm going to grade it VG+.
  11. It was by The Bobbettes originally I think...on Atlantic, late 50's
  12. Great version...sold my last one for £30, is that more to your pockets taste? His version of Hurting Each Other is even better...
  13. Well I can't tell the difference between stamped and scratched when it comes to this, if indeed there is a difference. Tell you what though, they made some bloody great records!
  14. Yeah well said mate. Peanut Duck is a fantastic dance track. Lyrics, vocal, not good, but dance wise, it's amazing, and so is The Kid, one of the very best dancers ever. I used to love the Simon Soussan version of The Joker (released as The Royal Vibes) as well with the laughing taken off and the vibes put on, they only really used to play it at the anniversaries so it was often talked about. Of course at the time we just thought it was another version of the original. One of the worst vocals ever put on a record is that of the singer on The Carstairs yet half of you deaf aids rave on about that turd.
  15. I rate it about 40-60 on issue and 100-125 on demo.
  16. This is actually called Mr Lee and Laurel Aitken did a version of it but that was probably a year later than this release, came out on Doctor Bird. It sounds a bit like Laurel but maybe too laid back for him
  17. OK well I can tell you that DS 5002 is The Hoop by Erroll Dixon on Direct.
  18. Never mind, someone else is selling a demo at the bargain price of....£250
  19. It's definitely scratched in not stamped because if you look at the Virtue in the run off on the B side, see how the u joins the e at the end of the word, totally different to that on the A side
  20. Nope, not on any of them. Honest.
  21. Don't they have cinemas in Bromley?
  22. Yeah theres an LW on the 1 sided demo and the blue issue too!
  23. I can't see an IT on any of my 3 copies...I can see an LW
  24. As suggested previously: if you have a look in your spam folder, you'll probably have tons of unsolicited offers for viagra and whatever - some of the names of the people sending them are perfect cover up names, have a look and see!

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