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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Some interesting noises on here too!
  2. The reason Grapevine keeps popping into your head is because Sidney Thomas was on the first Grapevine album
  3. Twice in fact, they reissued it on Pye Disco Demand!
  4. Great record - remember the very first time this was played at Wigan (by Russ) introduced as Dana Valery. Only took about 2 weeks before everyone found out who it was and sadly it got dropped.
  5. Reprocessed stereo probably! Mono on my tape. Also has the A side, She Needs Company on there as well, good song.
  6. Stop was on a kind of Best Of Helen album that came out in 1978. A few years ago I found a tape which I'd done in 78 and it had things on there which I remembered having: broadway cissy, melvin davis, that sort of thing - but it had Helen Shapiro on as well and I knew I'd never had it. Was only years later when I found another copy of the LP that I remembered that I definitely didn't have it on 45 but I had that LP out of my local newsagents!
  7. Well I haven't worked out a way of stopping objects making a noise when they touch each other but when I do I will try to incorporate it into my 5 minute amateur video camera projects
  8. It will be when I add all my vinyl carvers William Powell anyone? Ray Agee? (Oh to be fair I have had a proper Ray Agee before)
  9. It was only cos they kept going on about what I was going to play tomorrow night in the Hollybush thread!
  10. The German triangle centre things are large hole centres but the have little round indents into which these triangle centres fit.
  11. They can laugh but I just watched it back and got all moist seeing all those CBS issues, theres just something about looking at records!
  12. It's great...but it's on the album which is about a year old now which makes it a PLAYED OUT OLDIE
  13. Yeah well I have to have these innovative ideas first mate then everyone copies them. If I'd done a video of my favourite records it would have been totally different though...Carstairs wouldn't have been in there, well it would, that section of the record that remains after I set it on fire
  14. Cheers mate, did 2 versions, the one after this had a running commentary and may have been better and funnier but there was some swearing in it so I thought I,d better not post it
  15. Two words of warning: one, this film features footage of myself and may prove frightening to some members - use it to keep your kids away from the fire: two, this is just footage of record labels and will be boring to anyone who is not interested in footage of record labels. ">
  16. I've got another one from Soul Supply, not sure without looking but I think it's Soul Of Detroit, same as the double album they did with the deep green cover. It's all dubbed directly off vinyl.
  17. So it's all the way across then (i.e. from label to edge) - could well be what I'm on about, I'll try and scan the MVP's so you can see it. It's as if when they were made there's like a join.
  18. Are you positive it's a crack because lots of styrene records have like a join which runs right across the record and looks just like a crack but is in fact something that happens in the manufacturing, the most famous of these is the MVP's where all but a handful have this going right across the record.
  19. Well worth it too...
  20. No it isn't, not for me - I can't knock a nail into a wall let alone convert a cabinet...some people just weren't cut out for diy

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