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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. I bought 3 records the other week from ebay seller markmaggie@hotmail.com (Mark Goddard from Hereford). One of them described as EX was actually in quite poor condition so I asked to return it, he said ok and he'd have a look at it. Today I got a very nice apology, my money back, my original postage back and also the postage that I paid to return it, but double the amount I paid. What a refreshing change from some of the sh*tbags, conmen and cheats we have to deal with a lot of the time on ebay. Treat people how you would like to be treated yourself is my ebay motto.
  2. Early 80's...late 80's...early 90's...and so on and so on. He was alright in 1977.
  3. That always puzzled me because it was from 1966 not 1963. Also Joy Lovejoy stayed in print for a few years in the Uk and came out on one of those plastic labels too
  4. Paris Blues is a great record but it's not a beat ballad, it's a fully fledged stomper and it's not even that slow.
  5. Yeah it's a boot Andy, these two tracks were never issued back to back in the 60's
  6. You've been dead jammy then
  7. If it's Pop Brittania that we're talking about - I have to say this is one of the best documentary series on British pop that I've ever seen. Very, very in depth and extremely enjoyable.
  8. The Icemen - blue vinyl - ultra rare nowdays, sold one for £250 4 years back probably doubled since
  9. Yeah there is a recent topic on this very subject Phil, it's Jamaican
  10. I got an email from, wait for it, Pearlean Gray's manager last year, she'd done a search and found I was selling a copy of her record and wanted me to send it her for nothing. I'd actually sold it but said I'd get them another one for £20. Never heard anything else from them
  11. No but I first heard The Compliments at Wigan - Alan Rhodes gave it a few spins - must have been a Stafford reactivation
  12. But yours is only VG so it's not worth more than £40
  13. Pete S


    She sounds like a sub-Lulu Lulu
  14. Interesting. I've got this on a Harry J blank too but it's Cool Down b/w Liquidator.
  15. I sold the very, very rare white demo about 3 months back for £40 - though that was in vg so it must be a very tough one to find in mint (on a demo)
  16. Ah ok - but I have had one with the stamped A
  17. Is it "punday" in North Wales today or something
  18. Sean I've had that copy as well. But I don't remember the letraset on the other side so I think it's fair to say that there must be several copies with that little A stamp on the Seven Day Lover side.
  19. I think he also wore a deerstalker hat
  20. Bit harsh. Some of the designs are really good.
  21. Does anyone remember a bloke who used to always stand at the back of the main room at Wigan, just in front of the doors but back from the dancefloor, dressed completely differently to everyone else and obviously older, but most memorable feature was that he always used to be smoking a pipe! I didn't imagine this, someone else must have seen him as he was there a lot.
  22. Have you got some type of X-Ray vision which enables you to see record labels from the back of the room?
  23. Pete S


    LP only track unfortunately. Unless there was a 7" boot of it.
  24. Thats a disgraceful offer...most offer 50%
  25. PETE SMITH 28 JENKS ROAD WOMBOURNE WOLVERHAMPTON WV5 0BL 01902 893569 Pete.smith@freeuk.com If anyone has trouble reading the prices it's because there's a pound sign there - on some computers this gets distorted for some reason A COUPLE OF NORTHERN THINGS FIRST *************************************** CHRIS CERF - SWEET MUSIC - AMY DEMO M- 40 THE CHIFFONS - KEEP THE BOY HAPPY - LAURIE M- 20 Brilliant forgotten oldie VAL MARTINEZ - SOMEONE'S GONNA CRY - RCA M- 75 Brilliant original version of Patti Austin BILL LUCAS - CAUSE I KNOW YOU'RE MINE - DIONN M 15 This is the orange label 70's press CHARLIE THOMAS - RUN RUN ROADRUNNER - EMI INTERNATIONAL (UK) M- 40 Extremely tough to find version of Jerry Williams using the same backing track And by coincidence JERRY WILLIAMS - RUN RUN ROADRUNNER - MUSICOR VG 25 Crackly on the intro ORPHELIA McFALL - HE'S NEVER THERE - SATURN M- 40 Very obscure girl group / R&B ish dancer FEDERAL, KING & BETHLEHEM LABELS ************************************** The following are all unused/mint ex-store stock. They do have 40 or 50 years worth of dust on them though, well a few do. Mixture here of Northern, Gospel, Funk, R & B, Bossa Nova, all sorts. THE FEDERAL LABEL : 1. TRY ME FATHER / THAT'S THE SPIRIT - Rev. Willingham and His Swanees £15 uptempo gospel with a very shouty Reverend doing his stuff 2. I'LL BE STANDING AT THE STATION WHEN JESUS COMES / I STILL REMEMBER - The Kelley Brothers £5 3. MANHOLE / SOME OTHER DAY, SOME OTHER TIME - Freddy King £10 4. I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE HIM / WONDER WHAT THE LORD WILL SAY - The Kingdom Bound Singers £5 5. TWO HEARTS / I WON'T HAVE IT - The King Pins £10 6. YOU'RE BARKIN' UP THE WRONG TREE - Freddy King £15 7. SILVER SPOON / NO ROUGH STUFF - Hank Marr £10 8. I GOT THE MONKEY OFF MY BACK / YOU'RE USING ME - The King Pins £10 9. BRIDGE TO SHANGRI-LA / UP AND DOWN - Hank Marr £10 10. THE MONKEY ONE MORE TIME / WITH THE OTHER GUY - The King Pins £10 11. CHRISTMAS TEARS / I HEAR JINGLE BELLS - Freddy King £10 12. YOU CAN'T HIDE / (LET YOUR LOVE) WATCH OVER ME - LULU REED & FREDDY KING £20 13. CALL HIS NAME / AIN'T NEVER SEEN SO MUCH RAIN BEFORE - Christine Kittrell £40 rare on this label 14. STAND IN LINE / MARSANOVA - Hank Marr £10 15. SAVING MY LOVE FOR MY BABY / YOUR LOVE WAS GOOD FOR ME - Marva Whitney £25 16. TONK GAME / THE PUSH - Hank Marr £15 17. THE GREASY SPOON / I CAN'T GO ON (WITHOUT YOU) - Hank Marr £5 18. I'M LOOKING FOR MY BABY / PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - Syl Johnson £30 THE KING LABEL: 19. I'M LEARNING / BUTTIN' IN - Hank Ballard and the Midnighters £10 20. TEARS OF JOY / IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME WHAT I WANT (I GOTTA GET IT SOME OTHER PLACE) - Vicki Anderson £10 21. COLD SWEAT PTS. 1 & 2 - James Brown £10 red label 22. THOSE LONELY LONELY FEELINGS / IT'S LOVE BABY (24 HOURS A DAY) - Hank Ballard and the Midnighters £10 23. DON'T BE SO MEAN / IT HURTS ME - William Patton £25 Superb midtempo sound with uptemo flip 24. YOUR LOVE WAS GOOD FOR ME / IF YOU LOVE ME - Marva Whitney £5 25. FUNKY SOUL TRAIN / WHICH WAY SHOULD I TURN - Hank Ballard & The Midnighters £15 26. STONE FOX / HOLD IT - James Crawford £10 red label 27. LET THEM TALK / TALK TO ME - Little Willie John £10 28. NIGHT TRAIN PTS. 1 & 2 - Bill Doggett £10 29. SHE CRIED JUST A MINUTE / DON'T LET HIM HURT YOU BABY - Charles Spurling £50 THE BETHLEHEM LABEL - 30. YOURS AND MINE - I LOVES YOU PORGY - James Brown and the Famous Flames £5 31. LORD COME SEE ABOUT ME / TEMPTATION (OFTEN TAKES US UNAWARE) - The Mighty Faith Increasers £5 32. HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS / CENTRAL PARK - Nina Simone £5 33. BELLS RING / LET'S GO AGAIN - The Night Owls £5 34. BEING IN LOVE / WHAT ARE YOU DOING TONIGHT - The Florescents £5 35. FOR ALL WE KNOW / GOOD BAIT - Nina Simone £5 36. HE NEEDS ME / LITTLE GIRL BLUE - Nina Simone £5 37. EUROPEAN BLUES / JONAH JONES SPECIAL - Jonah Jones £5 38. BIG BOSS / COZY AND BOSSA - Cozy Cole £10 If anyone wanted the Federal / King / Bethlehems as a job lot I'd be willing to do that at 40% discount off the total. ALL CARDS WELCOME / PAYPAL / CHEQUES / BANK TRANSFER POSTAGE 1ST CLASS RECORDED £2.00 SPECIAL DELIVERY £5.00

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