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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. It's not just that James, some of us actually like to listen to what Ian's got to say because he has more knowledge about soul music than anyone I've ever met. He set up this particular topic so that anyone who wanted to have a pop at him could do exactly that and I think he's handled himself with some decorum. Carstairs is still sh*t though.
  2. I remember that - I got outbid on it
  3. My Mom rang me up and she says "Pete, you'll never guess what, they want people to be in a Northern Soul film" and she was quite disappointed when I said I already knew about it. Wonder if she's still held on to a pair of my 26" waist baggies
  4. No he's right Mark, Carol Anderson was 79
  5. Good question but sad in a way. That the music can't be enjoyed without knowing it's off an original record. Not having a go at you at all Gareth, just stating a fact.
  6. For sale Earl Wright - Thumb A Ride - Capitol - only one previous owner
  7. Sorry. Not Northern tailor made, Best contemporary release by a British producer.
  8. Yes you're right, that is absolutely fantastic, I mean truly fantastic - I think I'll play that at Pensnett tonight
  9. Well no not me personally Steve because practically everyone liked that when it came out...reminds me of our youth club and you having to more or less push people out the way to get a space on the dancefloor when it came on (though that had something to do with lines of girls dancing in formation )
  10. Whatever label or format or on - when you are on the dancefloor you can't see it and don't usually care
  11. This is probably the best tailor made Northern soul record ever - you had to hear it at Wigan, it was phenomenal, can still hear the sound of all those feet shuffling away to it ">
  12. Oh it's been a while now...8 years or so...thing was, I got this list of records off a guy and I knew most of them but there were a few I didn't, and Mick says...there's a record on here worth something, I'll give you £100 quid for it, so I says what is it, and he wouldn't tell me unless I agreed to sell it him for £100
  13. Sorry, I don't mean to answer for Keb but by 1976 hardly anyone did acrobatic dancing except the people in the top right hand corner from Bolton - loads of people still did spins, but not much else. That was the main change. Also in 1976, the shuffling aka stomping dance was "invented", mainly for dancing to fast 70's records.
  14. Bid more then, tightwad
  15. Anyway, this film....
  16. I know. Said he was doing me a favour.
  17. Nice of Mick Smith to pay me £100 for it wasn't it
  18. If you get a copy off me you'll see it in colour, I'll send you one with the record
  19. It is a good point though, and I point I made when it came out - I'd have loved to know the artists reactions to finding out that their records were popular, or how they came to make them; I remember a short clip of Garnet Mimms was included where he couldn't believe Looking For You was popular, said he recorded it and forgot about it
  20. Mark that footage you put a link to from youtube is just the This England footage slowed down and overdubbed
  21. I understand it fully, she's just trying to make him look stupid, so don't patronise me thank you Ian.

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