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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. You're mixing two tracks up there Epic, "Motown" by The Cammotions is a legit 60's stomper
  2. Even better, it should be posted in the SSLAAS topic - the girls won't know who it is - I certainly had to look two or three times
  3. All updated. Thanks to anyone who bought from me today.
  4. Shows how long it's been since I read one of his lists then
  5. Bit of a minefield there I think, there's the styrene bootleg which is easy to spot and there was a thick vinyl bootleg sold as an original, but there's also a very very good counterfeit as well (probably has pb scratched into the run off). I don't think I've ever seen a bona-fide original.
  6. Why would you and others worry about me missing out on something I don't like? I can't get past the horrible trite lyrics off this record for a start. Secondly, it's boring and lifeless and goes nowhere. I don't mind or care if you don't like anything I post up, that's entirely up to you and it's your choice. Also, I love the Voices Of East Harlem and Eloise Laws tracks so it's not all Mecca records I don't like, just a few.
  7. No, he said I was a tight fooker cos I wouldn't lend him 10 pence towards his cider.
  8. No shit Sherlock. That's why the thread is called IAN LEVINE. We know this. We choose to read it.
  9. I'm not certain but I think Moggy was taking the piss out of me rather than being nasty Ian, I think him and I are quite pally. I say 'think'
  10. I dunno Ian, I don't think that many bootlegs are worth more than a fiver in the real world but I'd list this one at maybe 12 quid
  11. Yes, it's quite scarce, you can tell just by looking at it though, it's a bit 'blurry'
  12. He is the record plugger / promotions man - nothing to actually do with the record, I've had 3 copies of that and none have had that stamp - though obviously I've had records which do have. Other pluggers with stamps and stickers include "Eddie Ojay" and "Chips"
  13. The first boot is on vinyl, West Coast design, white demo with jumbled letters, second rarer bootleg uses the grey and white East Coast demo design. I think the 2nd boot has a very poor attempt at copying the Frankford Wayne stamp that is on the original. I sold an original of the grey/white demo for £400 earlier this year. You'd be looking at 500/600 for an orange stock copy.
  14. Amazingly, the first thing Peter Gabriel did after leaving Genesis, in late 1975, was to produce an obscure single "You Never Know" for Charlie (UK Charisma), which sank like a stone.
  15. No it was before I even went there - I have it on tape from the 2nd anniversary and one time before that. Funnily enough - about a year back I did a podcast and put this on it and a few people said how great it sounded (mainly me actually) but on the two occasions I've dj'd since, I forgot to take it with me!
  16. Tell me one redeeming feature of the Lynn Varnardo record Steve. Oh yes, the label design is pretty cool.
  17. Most of us like looking back because it makes us a) comfortable and happy. Much more than the bleak future does.
  18. This was played at Wigan before Cleethorpes opened. Great track.
  19. F*cking crap record, precursor to most of these dire crossover records
  20. Don't think so Ian, solely because that had already been bootlegged on the first design Out Of The Past label.
  21. Wonder what this was? Detroit Soul Masters-Stirrin' Up Some Soul (Jacklyn) (reported from a Black Music article - he says that he is 'yet to hear it')
  22. Thats a misleading and impossible to answer question. The answer is that both had great discoveries and both played some cack. Tony Cummings must have been having his ringpiece tickled with a feather when he wrote the Black Music investigation into the Mecca and Wigan in 1974. "in BM's article on the Northern scene, we have another Wigan slag-off as our roving reporter visits Blackpool Mecca and describes the punters as "the connoisseurs of the Northern scene" and of their counterparts says "the black bombing, bootleg playing, dull brained brothers from Wigan". It's strange how Tony Cummings keeps contradicting himself in this piece. On one hand he's praising the Mecca for it's policy of "no white stompers allowed" but then slags off almost every record he hears: Chris Jackson-Since There's No Doubt "Pleasant but just like a thousand others": Lydia Marcelle-Its Not Like You 'A Supremes rip-off". And to end the piece, one last dig at the Wigan Casino: "My brother heard them play the pressing of Eddie Foster at Wigan, bloody pressers ripping off the artists". Question is, how did he know they were playing the pressing???"
  23. Now, now, come on - that is utter utter BOLLOCKS about Joe 90 being played at Wigan at the same time as those other two, the first anyone knew of it at all was in 1977 when Dave McCadden mentioned in Soul Time that it had been played locally in Manchester (presumably as a joke) and it was late 78 or even 79 when someone actually did play it at Wigan and then they did that rubbish cover version.

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