Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Emanuel Laskey, Ray Pollard, Doris Troy. They all have one thing in common. Yep, they're all dead. Except if you switch on the tv and turn to VH1, you're inevitably going to see some footage of Jimi, Kurt and John at some time during the day. You are NEVER going to see Emanuel, Ray and Doris. This alone quantifies Floorfillers as the greatest musical tribute to Soul music ever made. It doesn't matter if the music isn't always to everyone's taste, this is a time capsule and a testament to these fantastic artists, many of who were never fully appreciated in their lifetimes. If anyone can watch this film and not be moved by at least some elements of it then I don't think you truly realise what this scene and this music is all about.
I am not going to review this box set, it would take me all day, and I am not afraid to call a spade a spade, if it was shit I would say it was shit, and yes some of the backing tracks sound too modern but for f*cks sake - it's all we've got left of these people and this film should be compulsary viewing for anyone who has ever taken part in and enjoyed the Northern Soul scene. It is the best £30 you'll ever spend.