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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Yes you can, via the link in My Ebay, left hand side, Feedback, should take you to a page where you can see all the items you need to leave feedback for. After a while, when you click in the space where you leave feedback, your previous comments will appear as a drop down and you can use the same one by just clicking on it.
  2. I can guarantee anyone who's interested that the blue Turbo copy is just as good a sound quality as the pink one. The white Turbo is poorer though. Did someone really pay $72 for it, I just sold an original for £100!
  3. I do, and have said so before...great great days. Thinking further about this, some of the records that were popular when I first got into Northern properly were things like Ten Miles High, The Joker, Goodbye Nothing To Say, Tainted Love, Love Feeling, Footsee, Dizzy, Take A Letter Maria, The Night, Dena Barnes, Benny Curtis, Under My Thumb, Capreez, Skiing in the snow...a right old mixture...loved them all at the time though, with hindsight many of them were just played because of the danceability but SO WHAT?
  4. Yes, he does find his nose interesting Benji...or the contents of it
  5. https://www.mrsmillersworld.com/ ">
  6. I don't know if anyone can confirm this but I've been told that there is another song that uses the backing track of The Burning Bush record, and it's also on Mercury and only one person has it (Tim A maybe?)
  7. Anyone mentioned "Black Power" yet?
  8. I know, I need educating to it's subtleties. No I kind of liked it but not as a 'northern soul' record.
  9. If I had one I'd pay you to take it off me..
  10. No, but the theme song was the A side of Leslie Uggams "Don't you even care".
  11. Yes the American release has a different vocalist/vocal, nowhere near as good as the British release
  12. Not necessarily a boot - I've had an original with that design, it's styrene - the boot is vinyl. Must be three demos; that one, red lettering, black lettering. £75 apiece I'd think. Issue, worth more but whether you'd get more, don't know.
  13. So do I!
  14. It's on that Cleethorpes tape (twice!) - truly abysmal and scary
  15. I do like that Dave but would only need it if it was a demo. Sad isn't it.
  16. They don't come much more twisted than... LIFE - CAT'S EYES
  17. I'd like to think we are being helpful. Some people genuinely don't know prices change over the years.
  18. Don't quite get why you're including Sensitive Mind - it's an out and out Northern stomper
  19. Cleethorpes live tape https://planetrecords.podbean.com/2008/01/0...llnighter-1975/
  20. Prince George - Wrong Crowd Skullsnaps - I'm your pimp Moments - I've got the need
  21. Boogie Man Orchestra - Lady lady lady (inst)

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