Hi, I wasn't going to do this but sod it, why not:
many of you who get my lists, especially those of you in the Uk, will know John Porteus better known as Johnny Fingers. This guy is one of the nicest blokes on the Northern scene, has a phenomenal collection and is a top bloke and DJ. He helped me out in a time of real crisis and he'd never even met me before. Anyway from reading inbetween the lines, it looks like he may lose his house in january and is having to sell his beloved records so I just thought I would try and see if I could do anything about it, so, begging bowl in hand, I am going to ask anyone who knows John, if you can spare a fiver, a tenner or even more, could you donate it so's at least we can give him a helping hand?
I should have done this weeks ago but I didn't, but it's been playing on my mind ever since.
If you could spare anything for one of the nicest guys in the scene it would be wonderful, pay it into my paypal account pete.smith@freeuk.com and just mark it Fingers, I'll hand over every single penny and show everyone the receipts so don't worry about him not receiving it. (If you haven't got paypal you could always do it via card through me, I have facilities, you'll get a receipt :-))
I really apologise to anyone who finds this sort of thing offensive or in bad taste but it's the only way I can think of to help out a mate so just bin it if it's not applicable to you, but if you can help, it would be a wonderful gesture for Christmas.
thanks for reading anyway
best wishes
pete smith
planet records