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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Thats very kind of you, though I only actually collect up to 1974, I'm sure I could give them a home though. OK I've found a couple of discs, the instrumental one only has 58 tracks so I obviously lost the rest. The acapellas disc has 143 tracks. PM me your address and I'll send them over. (Nobody else ask me please, I'm not copying them, I'm sending the originals)
  2. Funny you should say that, about 2 months ago I suggested (on here) someone cleverer than me should mash up Razzy with Tighten Up, they'd go together perfectly, just needs thee Tighten Up riff transposing over the top and it would be an absolute killer
  3. I've got a feeling that because of copyright implications, the ones that were posted up were removed (thinking Ain't No Mountain High Enough for a start) If I can find my originals you can have them, no use to me. (Totally off topic, I got the recent Space Oddity 40th anniversary release where it breaks down the title track into 8 different versions, one just guitar, one just organ etc...fascinating, especially the stylophone only version)
  4. UK records make me go weak at the knees, and that's just looking at them!
  5. Span can you let me know the gig where you play this and when it's on, I'll cut the power
  6. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/various-records_W0QQitemZ110507840443QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Records?hash=item19bac7d3bb
  7. What, a bully you mean?
  8. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/THE-BLUE-ACES-THATS-ALL-RIGHT-COLUMBIA_W0QQitemZ230440611890QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Records?hash=item35a754b032 bootlegged about 4 years ago
  9. It's not rare mate, not really anyway - 40 to 60 quid. It's a different take to the one on Streamside for some reason.
  10. I forgot Billy Harner! Must be equal number 1 rarity.
  11. I agree. I got £225 for my r&w last year, it was only the second one I'd actually seen in the flesh. I bought it off some dick on ebay, paid him £200 for it and he sent it in a bubble wrap jiffy bag thing with no cardboard and not even recorded delivery.
  12. I think the Lou Johnson is on a London Monument demo (might be wrong). EMI label demos shouldn't be mega rare, I don't think they did 750 but certainly 250 upwards.
  13. Theres no black Hickory issue, it's white...
  14. It's just a film!
  15. Just pulling yer leg Dante!
  16. Yes, got it off ebay. Though I do get all my records off ebay.
  17. This does not belong to me
  18. Where does this rumour come from that I am grumpy? Honestly, I am not grumpy, very rarely anyway. Anyone who's met me will never say I'm grumpy. I just don't see why I'm talked about like an alien or something for not liking crossover or modern soul. I like *some* of most types of music which is more than can be said about a lot of 'blinkered' soulies. p.s. I am not grumpy
  19. Yeah but it is Kev, it's patronising, I got into this scene because I loved rare uptempo soul, not languid no-beat soul, I don't want to try to immerse myself in the latter, I know what I like and if that means I prefer Chapter 5 to Elipsis, then why can't I be left alone to like hat without being called names?
  20. Oh for f*cks sake. Go and join the rest of the special ones, the unblinkered ones. I hope you'll all be very happy together in your little soul heaven. I don't dislike something because I'm BLINKERED - I don't like it because IT'S F*CKING CRAP

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