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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. I know it's obvious to most of us but you would have thought the seller might have mentioned that he's stuck a photocopy label of the original over a bootleg wouldn't you? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DEL-LARKS-JOB-OPENING-US-QUEEN-CITY-NORTHERN-SOUL-/200642245215?pt=UK_Records&hash=item2eb735b25f
  2. Well that's fine then, if they're selling out of them, they don't need any help from me.
  3. Yeah followed by Jess & James "Move" I reckon...
  4. Thats a pretty rare demo actually.
  5. This was kept on catalogue for ages, well into the 70's, eventually they changed it to the 1974-75 multicoloured design and it was still on catalogue in 76-77...
  6. SAMMY KING - SHE'S MOODY WITH HER LOVE / YOUR OLD STAND BY - MARATHON Absolutely brilliant double sider from New Orleans. Vinyl in great shape - EXCELLENT - some very slight staining on the white part of the label. £350 May possibly trade for rare UK but no cheapies cheers Pete
  7. I featured that Hortense Ellis on R & B record in the film I made "Lost viny gems of the 60's", which I posted up last friday - highly recommended early dancer!
  8. Thing is Grant, I sold a minter last year for 75 quid, I'm not expecting to get offered a minter (if I did, I'd pay the price of a minter) so me ioffering 50/60 is for a nice playable copy, not a pristine one. I'll PM you mate.
  9. Well your comments made my wants ad pretty pointless to be honest, except I can delete it
  10. So you paying too much means I'm paying too little, right that makes sense.
  11. Jolly good, keep up the good work, been doing that for the last 37 years so I think I've paid enough dues and shouldn't feel guilty about retiring at 51 Brett.
  12. Why do you say that Lenny, the last two on Ebay went for under £60 this weekend. * tell a lie, one was £66 the other was £56, so what's wrong with my offer of £50 to £60?
  13. Well after buying a copy of he Knows How To Love Me off Ebay described as EXCELLENT which actually clicks for half a minute, I'd really like a better copy so if anyone has one for sale for £50 - £60 I'd be interested. Also need Stop And Become Aware if anyone has a spare.
  14. Never mind, it was on another download site.
  15. I wasn't really talking about getting stuff for free Dave - I was just saying that if they needed to promote the product a little more, I'd be happy to stock it.
  16. It just means great music to me, it's got nothing to do with clubs, scooters, I don't go to any of them and I wear what I like, you lot are just talking about the fashion of it all and forgetting that it's some of the best music ever made. Apart from the modern soul of course. So you're ashamed of being into Northern Soul? Go elsewhere then, to that mythical place where you can hear 47 years worth of music and not Northern Soul.
  17. some days I am just not with it mate.
  18. AM with you there Steve, never saw any scooters at Wigan or anywhere else and had packed it in by 79 anyway so missed out on that, luckily
  19. John reckons demos are mega rare but I disagree, I'm on my 4th demo of Jerry Jackson on Cameo Parkway now, if I've had four alone, and there were only 150, surely some mistake there!
  20. Where?
  21. It's under 3 quid - I send in a mailer with 3 pieces of card and it's around 2.70 now I think. Signed for is 8 or 9 quid depending how well you pack it.
  22. Dusty Springfield covered I Wanna make You Happy in the UK, it's almost identical to the Margaret Mandolph version
  23. Never even heard of a multi-coloured one
  24. Similar if you're blindfolded and sitting in the dark , original has the proper Soultown cityscape logo, bootleg is plain with just the word Soultown
  25. Also depends on the sort of time scale you're running to. I'm selling a collection now for someone but there's no rush, I do a list every week, this'll happen until the records run out. They could have been sold all in one go but they wouldn't have taken as much money as by doing them individually

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