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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Someone asked me to sell this for them, it sounds a bit like a Huey Piano Smith sort of thing, a bit later, ROBERTA WEBB & THE FAVOURITES - MY MAMA SAYS - EMANUEL 101. It's a female vocal with male interjections and goes along the lines of Mama Don't Like Us Doing The Twist Around Here. Not my sort of thing at all but just wondered if it's known and if so, any idea of value?
  2. No I make no secret that I love Helen Shapiro, Paula Parfitt, Jackie Trent, but these are mainly Brit girl pop-soul things, not too keen on Gerri Thomas
  3. No I don't like Jackie Forrest, what makes you say that?
  4. I don't remember it being played (here we go again, no doubt you'll tell me I was there)
  5. I absolutely love that
  6. I posted one 45 to Chicago by Airsure today, cost me £12 something, that's a rise of almost £3, and I did it free postage - what an idiot!
  7. all my 1st class recordeds today were £2.25 - I'm not going to complain and I'll carry on charging 2.00 I think
  8. Good sounds but the topic says "Up to 1973"...
  9. Win, I actually asked Mike permission to post this on here and he ok'd it.
  10. That is one of only a handful, and I mean three or four maybe, that could reduce me to tears if I listened to it hard enough. The emotion in her voice is almost unbearable. Another one is The Long And Winding Road by The Beatles but thats because it was my daughters favourite record and it's now been 10 years since I've seen her - I still can't listen to that song.
  11. You remember the things I don't want to remember! Maybe you sold it to me?
  12. Thanks Paul but I sold all my albums unfortunately...I just pick up cheap stuff 2nd hand now if I bother at all. Is it the one with a bus on the front, something like that?
  13. Don't think anyone's disputing it's old terminology. Seen loads of old singles reviews in NME, BIllboard etc where they use it.
  14. Bill Pursell - Heartbeat - Spar. I bet even the artist hated it.
  15. Hows about this one then...for a change
  16. But it's different strokes mate, me for instance, I love 60's pop music but I also love 60's soul music - so when they are both combined together, I love that as well, which is why I don't dimiss the UK Northern things like a lot of other people do - I love 'em. I'm not on a soul crusade, I just like what I like. I didn't like half the records on Ian's podcast because they are modern or crossover, that's just my preference...
  17. Thats probably the copy I'm talking about then Paul, I thought it was me who had it LOL
  18. You called his podcast shit Flanny let he who casts the first stone etc etc
  20. No idea, he said to me will you post something if I email it to you, I said yes, that is exactly what he emailed. If you're referring to facebook goings on - not seen it, not interested in getting involved in anything. Just posting a message.
  21. Roddy Joy - Come Back Baby - Red Bird demo £50 BARGAIN, BUY IT SOMEBODY!
  22. F*ck me. Thanks Dave. About time I got a bit of recognition. :lol:
  23. From Ian Levine Dear Flanny So most soul fans know Mizax and the Flizaps, Curt Darin, Clarence Yarbrough, Donald Height on Bell, Robert Taylor and the H.P.J.s, the Three Prophets, Renaud Plus Three, and especially The Significants, do they ?? You're living in Cloud Cuckoo land.
  24. it says SIDE A and SIDE B on the labels - the original doesn't

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