At last, someone gets it. That, and that alone, is my personal problem with these auctions, and it's not the auctions themselves, it's the by-product of them - the fact that people who should and do know better inflate the prices based on the auction sale. Now let's have a think, lets say for some reason there's a copy of FOOTSEE up for auction at the moment, now everyone knows that's a £5 record, £6 at the most for an unplayed one, any collector who wants it has already got it - BUT - if it follows the usual auction track and sells for say £125, you can bet your life that someone will put up a copy, within days, for at least £100. But nothing has changed with that record, it hasn't become rare overnight, it's still worth £5. The people who carry on selling it at £5 are the ones with a bit of integrity.