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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. I'm agreeing with you, but saying that the first real rock bootlegs as we know them, whether live recordings or unissued studio outtakes, really began with the disc I mentioned, in 1969. Most people if asked what a bootleg was they would say a live album. I know what a counterfeit is, it's a copy of a record designed to make people think it's an original - nothing to do with a 'bootleg' (as opposed to a 'pirate' which is like a counterfeit but makes no effort to look like the original) I had over 700 David Bowie bootlegs so I know a little bit about this...
  2. No I've already got that one - but thats a great price because the B side of that is a fabulous midtempo soul number, I think I posted it up recently
  3. Bob, bootleg lp's as we know them began in 1969, kicking off with the Great White Wonder (Bob Dylan), so in the years before that became part of the underground language I can understand why they used the term bootlegging.
  4. I think my first pair were 5/6 quid so you're probably right there.
  5. NIce one. But wow your paper round paid well, I used to do 7 mornings and 7 nights for £1.50 a week and that was in 1974/75!
  6. Well the UK one on Blue Beat is usually expensive, I haven't got it now, used to, not sure how much the Jamaican one sells for, there's a fantastic quality limited repress from Rockashacka in Japan from a few years ago which might be available, that was about £20 when it came out, I still have that. None of them credit Slim Smith which is odd. Sorry this isn't a lot of help!
  7. What label do you want it on, UK or Jamaican?
  8. LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED PRECISE DETAILS, THE AMAZON LINKS SHOULD COVER MOST, THE CHEAPEST ONES ON AMAZON ARE USUALLY MINE! JOEL WHITBURN'S TOP R & B SINGLES 1942-1988 HARDBACK £30 https://www.amazon.co...53079321&sr=1-7 PETER BENJAMINSON - THE STORY OF MOTOWN (1989) £30 https://www.amazon.co...53079439&sr=1-9 SIMON SOUSSAN RARE MOTOWN & SOUL PRICE GUIDE 1994) £50 Like finding a needle in a haystack - you won't find a copy for sale anywhere MARC GRIFFITHS - BOSS SOUNDS CLASSIC SKINHEAD REGGAE - ST PUBLISHING £70 Most sought after reggae book https://www.amazon.co...53079579&sr=1-1 THE SKINHEAD BIBLE - GEORGE MARSHALL - ST PUBLISHING £70 Highly sought after, usually seen at £100 https://www.amazon.co...53079631&sr=1-1 THE TAPESTRY OF DELIGHTS - COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO BRITISH BEAT, R & B, PSCHEDELIA ETC £70 https://www.amazon.co...53080446&sr=1-3 JUKEBOX MAGAZINE SPECIAL. LES SUPER 45 TOURS ETRANGERS, 2500 EP'S ILLUSTRATED WITH TRACK LISTS, IF YOU LIKE FRENCH EP'S THIS WILL KILL YOU. 2500 BLACK AND WHITE PICS OF THE EP'S, IT'S ALL IN FRENCH BUT DON'T LET THAT OPUT YOU OFF. £30 POSTAGE EXTRA... pete.smith@freeuk.com
  9. I don't think I have come across the Al T Joe record yet Dave.
  10. Of course, yes I did have this, I've got four or five tracks with that rhythm, I think most were on Collins Downbeat!
  11. I had 2, sold one for about £40 must be 10 years back, and there's still one in my garage going mouldy...great book for the fantastic information on Motown related labels and acetates nb I would be happy to copy my book for £20
  12. Thanks John. Is it rocksteady, Bunnie Lee rhythm like the rest of them?
  13. I took £200 for it as was desperate to pay ebay bill of £266! The Collins one is surely not the same recording is it - how's it different - I must have had this with my Collins collection but that was 10 years ago and don't even remember it.
  14. Sandford is a mistake. It's Ashford.
  15. The one at the top is an original, it has a dip before the centre.
  16. Dave come and look at my red and white Island's one day and shake your head in disbelief as I tell you how much each one cost, and all bought within the last 18 months. Actually take a look at this one which I won this very morning. Now I'm sure you've said this is a £100 record before now. Philip James - Wide awake in a dream - Island https://www.ebay.com/itm/s/271100104296
  17. They certainly picked up elements of it, most notably, white skinners, but they went on to become a staple of 'boot boys' as the Suedeheads died out in 72-73
  18. Probably boring for them to, pretending there's an audience out there in the studio.
  19. Yep, and thats the official A side. Also released at almost exactly the same time, Brothers Grimm - Looky looky / A man needs love (UK Ember) two more A & S songs.
  20. Yes it's Val Simpson from a publishers demo disc, came from Ady C. originally
  21. Soz! Forgot to mention above, demo is credited to John Andrews, issue credited to John Andrews & The Lonely Ones. Mick sold "John Andrews" a copy of his own record a few years back, said he was working in insurance in Margate or somewhere like that...
  22. It's just love - john andrews & the lonely ones - UK parlophone fantastic, in fact one of the best ever UK northern sounds original demo by val simpson...
  23. By the time I started senior school in September 1971, there were very few skinheads left, if any, they were all suedeheads - stapress trousers, red socks, proper brogue shoes, button down or penny round collars, crombies. Also worn were two tone trouser/jackets/suits and Prince of Wales aka Rupert Bear check. Harringtons still popular as were Doc Martens shoes but not boots.
  24. Do you know what, someone, who will remain nameless, offered to bid on that record above for me until I could afford it. How f*cking nice is that? (Not that I can really accept like, but what a gesture!)

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