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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. I still disagree, Gentlemen & Their Lady (singular) was a great contemporary soul release, not a 'disco' record.
  2. You have absolutely no idea what a disco record is do you?
  3. Jock, I'm probably 7 or 8 years older than you so I actually remember this stuff when it happened, I remember the horrors of disco music 1978-1980, I've got the Last Night A DJ book so f*ck off and stop being so patronising....except you can't, can you.
  4. Patrick Hernandez - Born to be alive, do you all love that one, is it a fantastic soul disco record, am I f8cking mad for not liking it?
  5. Clubs were called Discos in those days though, short for Discotheque, this is before there was a type of music referred to as Disco. I used to collect 'disco' records as did Mr.C - these were the records played at our local youth club disco and they would basically be (at the time) new soul releases like The Moments, Detroit Emeralds, Linda Carr etc along with the real popular disco records of the time which were mainly Motown oldies, and things like Al Capone, Festival time, Be young be foolish be happy etc.
  6. How do you mean, what's a disco 12", is that cos it says 'disco 12' on the sleeve? I've got loads of reggae 12" like that, all the sleeves say Disco 12. They are hardly Disco though.
  7. I can't see any disco records on that list. Someone had better define it. Instant Replay, that's disco. Do you all love that one? Is it like the best record ever made?
  8. Like anyone gives a toss...
  9. Believe me, I know where you're coming from...
  10. Nope...can I send you my details so you can go and have a look?
  11. Actually my audio files are not in the audio section, they are just in 'all files, maybe that has something to do with it, can't work out how to move them though
  12. Problem with number 3, I don't see an embed button under the file, just tags/privacy/share
  13. Thanks Sebastian, will try that, just found my previous topic on the same subject but my own rules dont seem to work I worked out what was up with embedding divshare on ebay. You have to paste it into 'standard', then click html, then go back to standard and the player appears.
  14. Yeah it just shows the url, there must be an exact order to do it in.
  15. This is what I thought I did last time but this time it's not working!
  16. OK tried that, I got the url for it but when pasted it just stays as that, not even a clickable link let alone a player, you still have to copy the text and paste it in a new window as with my divshare files. Very angry about this because I sussed it last month but now can't remember what I did.
  17. Cheers Dave I'll see what happens, just putting some reggae on now
  18. Ah, I didn't see the embed code - thanks! * and I still can't see an embed code!
  19. Sorry, misunderstood you. That would be like a general 'disco' night you're talking about then.
  20. I can't use a youtube clip though Barry, it's got to be my own recordings off that actual record as it's pretty expensive but I need them to hear the exact sound quality
  21. Ah but what if you love Jean Genie but have also always been into Northern Soul at the same time?

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