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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Which bit are you referring to in your original comment (about why records are rare), I can't see anything, am I just not looking hard enough?
  2. That settles it then, definitely no (bootleg) styrene, excellent recording on a white label or a red label, that vinyl one is terrible (sorry Darren but I did already say that above anyway).
  3. I watched series 1 of that recently. You wouldn't believe how depressing it is, I always remembered it as being good fun.
  4. I'd loved that William Powell for many years and hadn't even noticed anything wrong with his voice until people on here started going on about it being poor, who cares, what a record!
  5. He seemed to sell an acetate then miraculously he'd find another copy if two people wanted the same one. One authentic thing he did send me though, was the original acetate of jenny Wren - Chasing My Dream All Over Town, it was by Barbara English and was the only recording of it in the world - unfortunately half the lacquer had peeled so only 90 seconds of the song existed. No idea what I did with it, might be on that old PC Simon!
  6. Was that by Budgie?
  7. Here's one of his topics, if you search under the udername you might find more, something like mangoman2003 heres a better one where he gets rumbled
  8. No thats the backing for a Betty Boo track isn't it, Stop That Boy
  9. Thanks. As I said the other week but was told there was a white one.
  10. One of the craziest arguments I've ever seen on soul source...
  11. Yeah Fipi publishing, FIP on the label twice, most notably where it says FIP RECORDS at the bottom
  12. I'd go for £60 if I where you, £100 for a demo.
  13. Oh in that case, the label is called FIP after Festival International Productions and it also says FIP on the label twice...
  14. Oh yes you are right, I apologise Bob
  15. Yeah but he's on about a lookalike Impact bootleg which I don't think exists
  16. I'm wrong...removed
  17. Well done Mike, sounds like it's going to be brilliant.
  18. There isn't another one apart from those two, someone said there was, but I'm yet to see it..
  19. Yes the Reparata is a boot - original is yellow label and on black vinyl. The Johnny Jones on yellow Chirrup is very rare, the white ones outnumber it 500 to 1!
  20. Mark there is someone selling one buy it now on "Ebid" but he wants £225 for it - I saw it this morning.
  21. Might be e typo - Joung / Young?
  22. On the contrary, three fantastic Northern Soul dancers. The Cecil Washington really does have everything.
  23. I like them.
  24. Danny Moore - Somebody New
  25. I like that one.

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