Do you mean everybody's thinking it about Keith, or about dealers record prices in general?
This is how I price records.
Either: look in the price guide then knock a third off, or go on popsike, find all the sales and get an average price, then knock it down slightly, or look on soul source, see if the item sold, if it did, sell it for around that same price, if it didn't, knock £10 off the selling price.
Sometimes I go by my gut instinct, for example yesterday I had a stock copy of Wooden Nickels - Nobody But You, price guide says £150 but I knew I'd never had this before on an issue and it must be very rare, so I priced it higher than the price guide at £200 (actually took £190 on it).
So basically, if someone told me, personally, to reduce my prices, I'd have to question whether they were sane or not