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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Looks like they could have been made at the same place at the same time
  2. He's completely top end though mate because he has the customer base and stock, you seriously need to subtract at least 30% off John's prices. 50% off some of them. Ask anyone and they will agree with me. I bought a beautiful copy of Emanuel Laskey on here a month ago for £25. Seriously.
  3. How are you pricing these, cos your Lasky and Eckstine 45's are like double what they usually sell for, Lasky is usually only £30 or £40. Exkstine 50 - 60. Obviously they're your records and you can charge what you want...
  4. Hey I thought I put forward some good suggestions there. I am crushed.
  5. It's definitely a vanity press, catalogue number SG 101. Her other record, when I posted that scan up, had the name and phone number of the manager or someone who made the record.
  6. There's a few more, I'll try and remember them...
  7. Thats the one.
  8. No that's an absolute joke. Proper price for a Fortune Teller issue is about £60. It's not a hard record to find. I sold a yellow demo for £150 last year and that really is rare.
  9. Steve, how about this then. Simon booted The Sweets "Satisfy Me Baby". Instead of putting out the normal B side "Something about my baby" he issued a previously unheard instrumental version of the A side. So he had access to tapes. Now, Sandy Golden is supposed to have been the singer in the Sweets, and one side of her single uses the same backing track as "Something about my baby". Except it has some added synthesiser touches which suggests it was made in the mid 70's maybe?
  10. Interesting fact, I found this record in the 80's but it wasn't played off an American copy because that hadn't been discovered at the time, it was off a real low budget UK album on the Summit label, which is why it was covered up for ages as The Summits.
  11. Ian you are absolutely right - the Masterpiece logo is an identical typeface to those early boots of The Magnificents and Sandra Philips (and The Mob, Dana Valery on Pussycat, others). I always wondered who'd done those.
  12. Here you go
  13. I couldn't do it Dave, thats because I think a lot of sellers just stick ludicrous prices on and hope some mug will take the bait. I still maintain that a lot of the issues are rarer than the demos - I had a Sharon Soul issue and haven't seen another one in 20 years, Hoagy Lands issue, only ever seen two, and so on.
  14. Talking about Sounds Orchestral - their version of Ain't That Peculiar was a big Torch record and was actually booted on Out Of The Past, but there was no 45 release for it, it was on an EP, and lo and behold I picked the EP up at the weekend, in it's sleeve, for a massive £3.70, and I think it's the first time I've ever seen it. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SOUNDS-ORCHESTRAL-1966-PYE-EP-AINT-THAT-PECULIAR-/390683228754?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=WexYoaj%252FBuWt%252FvJIU6B65AQrfgk%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  15. Pretty certain that I was the seller of the carver highlighted above. * yeah it was definitely me - hey at least I describe it accurately!
  16. Great stuff Dunc. That 1975 chart really takes me back to a happy time.
  17. Yeah for some reason it's hard to sell on Rotate, took me ages to sell a demo the other year eventually took 75 or 80 for it, a lot of stock copies turned up, I'd say a fair value for a nice copy is 100. I'd love a Stateside demo of this. One UK I've never had.
  18. I'm not convinced he is - the recording definitely is, but I think he could be an American recording in the UK like Sonny Childe, Kenny Roberts, Jimmy Helms etc. Also think it might be an alias.
  19. Yeah I used to have that one mate but again, it's one I've not seen since I sold my original collection back in 1993 - great track, very unusual type of sound for that particular producer (Shel Talmy) I'm afraid I know nothing about the artist though (I may have done, but it's all been forgotten)
  20. I suppose everyone's experience is different - I've loved it whenever I've gone there, haven't been for ages but I guess other people may dislike what we actually like - if you see what I mean. It's like when people always say Wigan was a dump - it was like a palace to me!
  21. Another British one, this was discovered by Paul Malone in the late 80's, I bought it off him and then it became known, always promised myself another one if I saw one, but never did until yesterday, if you don't like UK 'soul' then you probably won't like this but it's a big almost Righteous Brothers tupe beat ballad, a great ender, and the singer is the guy who was part of the duo Frankie & Johnny.
  22. Yes but it's only wrong in your opinion, not the person who posted it, his opinion was that it was right. Hence we have debate, argument etc.
  23. Dena Barnes bootleg £75 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dena-Barnes-If-You-Ever-Walk-Out-Of-My-Life-Who-Am-I-Inferno-Demo-2nd-/111047737390?pt=UK_Records&hash=item19daf6002e
  24. Jack Hammer demo over £150 overpriced https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JACK-HAMMER-WHAT-GREATER-LOVE-EX-UK-UNITED-ARTISTS-DEMO-45-NORTHERN-SOUL-/161131866511?pt=UK_Records&hash=item258435298f

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