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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. I always find it a bit strange that when people on a site about music / records comment about a record selling for way too low or way to high a price, other people have to come on and start criticising people for doing that....discussing what's happened. That's what we do on a forum, discuss stuff. If anyone's being criticised, it's not the man selling them, it's the people who buy them at such inflated prices, especially when with a little work that could buy the item at half of what they paid for it - but they're too rich and / or too lazy to do so, and that's what gets people's backs up. Not the fact that John makes a lot of money for people.
  2. Starting to put all of my Jamaican records up on Discogs, unfortunately loads of them aren't listed so I will have to add them myself so the first lot are mainly reissues, but have a look anyway, cheers, Pete Smith https://www.discogs.com/seller/pete.smith
  3. Well my honest reply to that is - if you asked me what do I expect to hear at a Northern night, or what would I hope to hear at a Northern night, it would be 95% uptempo 60's dancers with the rest being Cleethorpes type 70's played circa 75-77. I don't want to hear latin, soulful house, 50's rock & roll - just the real stuff that got me into it in the first place. Please everyone this is just my opinion after 39 years of being into it.
  4. Totally agree. Just because it's diverse doesn't make it any better than what we have. If it's not broken why change it? Introducing new music styles may bring people into the fold, but it also drives others away...and has done since, what, 1974?
  5. Just f*cking play it! p.s. it's worth no more than £10 on that label. But play it anyway.
  6. Then surely - if you don't want to hear Northern all night - don't go to a Northern night! Because if I went to a Northern night I'd want to hear Northern all night, otherwise I wouldn't have gone!
  7. Probably still trying to sell that copy even now!
  8. How about his "Ode To A Discotheque" (UK Polydor), so obscure people look blank at you when you mention it..
  9. I heard that Pharrell record on the radio yesterday and thought he sounded very much like Curtis Mayfield
  10. He was, he once got us a boxful of Polo Mints (when he worked at Rowntrees) typically we got stopped by the police that morning and they thought we'd robbed a sweet shop
  11. One of my all time favourite records
  12. Barbara lynn - This is the thanks I get
  13. Construction was Searling alone... ask Rod about Nightwatch
  14. Loads, it's one of the common ones, not as common as 4 Tops / Temps but it's not rare
  15. She doesn't know a thing about it John, they've taken an acapella vocal and mixed it into The Champion
  16. Must be a mistake, I paid £400 for it back in 99/2000, was a white label with a stamp on it
  17. I think if that Nancy Ames had a centre you could have stuck £300 on that. One of the rarest stock copies.
  18. Absolutely, but not our call.
  19. Nothing comes anywhere near Suspicion and Do I Love You. Especially Suspicion. The only unissued track I can think of as good as or better than that is Crying In The Night (The Monitors)
  20. Yes it'll be I Roy, he did loads of versions, I had one called Car Pound Drifter
  21. I see a 1981 release on RKR
  22. Yeah it's from 1969 originally - but I guess he could have done a remix
  23. Is that a 12" I guess, I think I have it on 7" - I"m going to sell about 125 Jamaican 45's in the next few weeks
  24. Pretty easy now. Go to my ebay. Top right, click on customer support Choose contact ebay from the two tabs Choose buying (or any of the others) Click on didn't receive item. Opens a page with a contact us phone logo on the right, click call us and it'll give you the phone number
  25. I worked it out from whats been written above but it's up to Jules not me.

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