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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Caption reads: Dance competition, Kings Hall, Stoke 2013
  2. That's a bootleg I'm afraid. Sold one myself recently, £8 I think it was.
  3. Doh, didn't check the artist on yours LOL
  4. Not positive but I think the Motown one may be a reissue, the one I was looking at is on the Gaiee label via EMI (Motown record Corp on label) but dated 1975. n.b. don't think it was actually released in 1975, bit later
  5. Scal just PM'd me and said he thinks those are from a midweek disco promotion and I agree with him. Not a proper nighter. Full of divs, girlies, and no dilated pupils.
  6. Just came across this record to list on Discogs and found loads of interesting info on it... https://queermusicheritage.us/jun2002v.html
  7. Yep sounds about spot on to me
  8. I would have said so, except for the last one
  9. Russ holding up Footsee sleeve - 74/75
  10. WIGAN CASINO OLDIES ALLNIGHTER 6/5/77 In 1979 I did a tape swap with Eddie Hubbard and didn't have any blanks, so I used one half of a tape I'd recorded at Wigan a couple of years earlier, and left the other side intact. I completely forgot about this until I heard from Eddie almost 3 decades later and he still had the tape, which he kindly recorded for me onto cd. This was a tape I did at what was a pretty uninspiring oldies night as far as I can remember, this may be because of the situation being discussed at 7 minutes 50 seconds, do listen out for that, I thought it was hilarious hearing it for the first time in 30 years. John Hillman, legend. JUST SAY NO! (Recording settles down after 30 seconds) SANDI SHELDON - YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME LOVE YOU BARBARA LYNN - TAKE YOUR LOVE AND RUN PATTI AUSTIN - MUSIC TO MY HEART THE DRIFTERS - YOU GOTTA PAY YOUR DUES ROSE BATTISTE - I MISS MY BABY BARBARA RANDOLPH - I GOT A FEELING BOBBY HEBB - LOVE LOVE LOVE DARRELL BANKS - OUR LOVE IS IN THE POCKET JOHNNY WYATT - THIS THING CALLED LOVE THE SUPERLATIVES - I STILL LOVE YOU DANNY WHITE - CRACKED UP OVER YOU VIRGINIA WOLVES - STAY THE VELVELETTES - NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK LESLIE UGGAMS - LOVE IS A GOOD FOUNDATION LITTLE RICHARD - I DON'T WANT TO DISCUSS IT PATTI AUSTIN - TAKE AWAY THE PAIN STAIN EARL WRIGHT - THUMB A RIDE EDWIN STARR - MY WEAKNESS IS YOU CHUBBY CHECKER - YOU JUST DON'T KNOW https://x.mixcloud.com/mayfairmenthol/wigan-casino-oldies-allnighter-751977-just-say-no/
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  11. F*cking Flamma Sherman at £230, I have TWO of these and have listed them at £50 each and got no takers whatsoever. Who are these people paying such stupid prices, if they go on Discogs they'd find one on there at a quarter of that price. Mugs.
  12. He's just saying he's the best thing since sliced bread so give him a contract. I think.
  13. And she had a W! And she's still alive. Which is nice.
  14. Apparently not though everyone thought they were, he produced a 45 for her didn't he, and they were always on the show. She was in UFO, anyone remember that?
  15. So it was! I've got the Mike Post still, should have known that
  16. I think that's the one that came out on Grapevine - came via Jerry Williams?
  17. He was the co-presenter with Ayshea on one series. Looks like they don't have any of the tapes of this show, would love to see Starman (Bowie) again, saw it at the time, 1972.
  18. p.s. the Soul World bootleg is 48 rpm
  19. There's a rubbishy demo bootleg, recent, there's the COMMON Soul World bootleg (about as rare as Mike Post Coalition, same label), I have a feeling there may have been one in the early 90's which is dark blue, same as the tough Howard Guyton bootleg on Verve, can't remember 100%.
  20. No light blue issues of Verve records
  21. You keep saying that! It's not rare. Maybe it's just round the West Midlands that they're common.
  22. Here you go John https://www.globaldogproductions.info/m/mala.html
  23. It's very poppy. Must add this to me all time dislike records.
  24. It's a thing of beauty, no doubt about that, but it was reissued in 1976 so a lot of people have actually heard it enough times to not want to own it...

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