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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. You can't claim - the seller has to
  2. Tony MIddleton - Rota Roota Grind after a Plumbing Copmany I think???
  3. And every time he thinks he's got a set, another 5 get "released"
  4. Found it I know people have heard me tell this one before and it isn't really to do with northern soul but it is related, remember when the fashion item to have was the long leather coat? Well I got one on my 18th birthday and I f*cking loved that coat, anyway a few months after I got it, I was coming home from somewhere on the bus, got off the bus and it was really freezing so I crammed my hands into the pockets of my coat and started to run home to get out of the cold. About a hundred yards from home, my flapping baggy trousers tripped me up and I started to head for the pavement but I couldn't get my hands out of my coat pockets and ended up hitting the pavement with nothing to cushion my fall. It was like a statue being pulled over. See, the dangers of wearing fashionable clothing!
  5. I'd never be able to find it again mate, it originated on the old KTF site and that was the best one, I had to rewrite it for here but where it is, I've no idea..
  6. What I can't understand is someone bidding £15 on a carver of The Vel Vets when they could buy it on Pye for a tenner...there are about a total of 30 bids for cuts of Crazy Baby...madness
  7. You know what, I so agree with this, you'd start a clap off and be really proud, I distinctly remember one I did and it was unusual to get a clap going at this part of the record, it's on Cool Off and you can hear it at exactly 1:38 on this tape I recorded https://old.mixcloud.com/mayfairmenthol/wigan-casino-18-6-77/
  8. I've got it if you can't find it, not on my computer, on a back up disc...somewhere..
  9. As for Blue Beat, as far as I know there are no compilations that collect the best tracks together, only ones that collectors have put together themselves, I think I've got more or less every one of the 400 releases on my hard drive but I've never comped them, should do really.
  10. One of the best is a cheapo compilation that came out called Rock Steady Soul, should be able to pick one up for a fiver. Also this one, one of the best compilation cd's that actually exists, it does not get any better, and again, this is a double cd for a fiver https://www.amazon.co.uk/Treasure-Isle-Presents-Rock-Steady/dp/B0079JNDZE/ref=pd_sim_m_h__9
  11. That clip above is now available in perfect quality on the six DVD set of The Beat, that old one is off the VHS tapes circa 1996.
  12. Gerri Hall performance clip, sorry about the advert https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2f8cf_gerri-hall-who-can-i-run-to_music
  13. Fabulous. I ought to put together a podcast of this stuff.
  14. Superb choices. Used to have a lovely UK green demo of Sylvie Vartan and I don't know if anyone remembers this, I had a UK Decca acetate of April, May & June, it was obviously mooted for a UK RCA release but it never happened (Decca distributed RCA product at the time)
  15. Some of these stories really could be turned into film scripts. Add that one where I was running down the street in my long leather and baggy trousers with my hands in the pockets because it was cold, tripped on my flapping trousers, couldn't get my hands out of the pockets and cushioned the landing on the pavement with my face
  16. Don't think I've ever seen a bad Treasure Isle comp, how can there be one, there's barely a bad track on the label. The Bluebeat comps are from the first two years because that's all that can get past the licensing restrictions
  17. Why are there so few people dancing, Stoke's usually full
  18. Sam Williams...my God
  19. Give 'em me to sell, they'd be gone before they even make an appearance on Soul Source!
  20. Don't know what it is but the verses sound like "Burning Love" by Elvis!
  21. Yeah you could, and Gia Mateo
  22. I know the baggies look a bit daft, nay, a lot daft, in 2014, but you have to admit, they were great trousers to dance in!
  23. Tony Galla - In Love - Swan

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