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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Russell, I know this is bad - but spare a thought for me - I had my channel of over 300 clips deleted due to one complaint from people apparently representing Motown.
  2. But don't forget, that's the B side. The A side must have been popular - somewhere - I doubt if Condition Red is even by the Baltimore & Ohio Marching Band.
  3. Some licensed in whatever they could get their hands on, they may have had a deal to take 10 tracks from a label when only one had been a hit. Things like Sharpees, Alvin Cash etc, big local hits in the USA. As for Baltimore, that was released in Europe and Australia so it must have been at least a local hit - they even had a UK Stateside album released!
  4. If the record has no crack and the buyer is trying to get money off - that's not on If the record does have a crack and the buyer is trying to get money off - then well you can't blame him at the end of the day, it's one person's word against another's Nobody died or got injured thankfully. Let's dance!
  5. Trev you can't change history mate, it is a fact that in 1978 the majority were in baggies and it wasn't until half way through 79, with the Mod revival, that they were faded out, but I remember in August 78 turning up in a pair of grey Levis straight leg chords, with trainers, and I was looked at like I had been sent down from Mars.
  6. Righto, I'm sure we're talking about the same girl. They all came round my house once, blimey that must be 15 years ago, no wonder I never recognised her
  7. I thought Mick's kids were black! His wife is.
  8. Of course it's wrong Greg, don't you realise that without those clown trousers, you won't be able to do any 'floor work'?
  9. She was a fabulous dancer
  10. Someone just posted this on my facebook page after I announced Soul Source was back up. Quite funny but really, why is it being perceived like that, because adults can actually debate issues? Soul Source could become a positive forum if the option to post comments was removed. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10152398994891929&id=710006928&comment_id=33093900&offset=0&total_comments=27
  11. There was one shot of everyone dancing it gave me chills, it always does, seeing really good dancers actually dancing and not throwing themselves around, thats what I enjoy. Always nice to see Lisa Stansfield too.
  12. It's not an auction record. Now if it had been on UK Coral demo, that's different
  13. I never mind these TV features, the only thing that bugs me about them is the way we're portrayed as never having evolved since the 70's, we never stopped wearing baggy trousers when the rest of the world did, and we still listen to the same 5 records all the time and wear lots of badges. Remove that aspect, I quite enjoy them. Nice kids too.
  14. Not in this case, it's vinyl
  15. Get ready for the Facebook backlash against "Soul Source slagging off the One Show", after all, we can't say anything good about anything can we, nasty bastards that we are...
  16. Quite enjoyed the last 5 minutes bit, some smashing dancers, still don't like the baggies and the acrobatics but there were some quality dancers on there
  17. What a record though!
  18. Wow no stereotyping in that piece then. Those outfits, once again making it look like we live in a timewarp. The young blokes were great dancers though.
  19. That Ramon Bouche record is possibly the worst thing he's ever auctioned and it must mean my Sacha Distel version of Tomorrow Is Another Day on UK HMV is worth £500, because that's actually really good.
  20. There's not a great deal of bass on the Gold Token release but there's even less on Take 6, very basic recording. You do get Please Don't Go, which is beautiful, but not as good as Deceived.
  21. Well you either called it blue beat or reggae - nobody called it ska and rocksteady at that time
  22. I reckon I could easily sell half a dozen at 600. Didn't know copies had turned up though.
  23. Thank f*ck for that, was going mad without SS
  24. I found out what they were John, all of them. Some were pretty basic like Dobby Dobson - Strange, some New Beats, but also things like Warfare, Tennors on Crab, Delta Cats on Studio One, several on Banana but they'd just had the labels rubbed off. 60 singles sat next to me here, thanks to Daz, now the dust has settled, very happy.
  25. It's an awful; recording though, no bass at all

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