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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Thats the way it is though isn't it, some things just go out of your head immediately, others stick around, I thought it was great soon as I heard the first 30 seconds, not so much the song, but the fantastic backing track
  2. Exactly the same time. gerri thomas as well.
  3. We did this once, trying to find a single record that everyone liked, it went on for about 5 pages and as soon as we'd settled on one, someone else came along and said they didn't like it. Was years ago, 7 or 8 years maybe. Can't even remember what we settled on.
  4. I think the Vicky Gomez record is brilliant - I never heard it until just now!
  5. Yes mate from the dreaded late 1978 period...
  6. How about this, a cracker, Vicky Gomez on ABC
  7. Sorry if this has been seen before but it's a new one to me, don't like it that much but a good girl group sound tune
  8. Not only that, she went on national tv to promote it, don't know if the clip is still up there but I've got it (from Shivaree I think). Yeah it is
  9. Jaybirds £210. Worth about £75. And I'm still the only one with the vocal I think!
  10. the five star Northern Soul dj from Cambridgeshire - a steal at over £600 per gig
  11. No, you were right. That actually made the UK charts on Stateside. This must be the highest price ever paid for a chart record.
  12. I think the answer to that is the same as every other record - when someone decides to sell one.
  13. I agree, think it's only demo on American, Grapevine on UK
  14. I bet it's just had the pitch tweaked to make it sound female
  15. Same seller with 2 Eric Mercury's (maybe 3) using the same photo
  16. More likely because they wanted the record?
  17. LOL I was just about to post that link!
  18. I've had one - ever - and that had a crack in it!
  19. Think this got an Oz release on 45, I sold one a few years back way way too cheap - from Alan Pollard's collection. Solid centre, Casablanca label - unless I've got totally the wrong record sorry didn't realise this had already been replied to
  20. I just thank the Lord for love..
  21. It did on the soundclip I was listening to - I did admit that it would probably sound like a different thing coming out of big speakers. Actually to be honest I just heard the first verse and chorus which is why I thought it was a rip off of Work Song.
  22. Jesus. It's not that hard. Stand with feet slightly apart, slide one foot towards the other, then back again, start to put a bit of rhythm into it, then start to put the foot in front of the other foot instead of just side to side, well done, now you can dance!
  23. Congratulations to you, the missus and the new baby mate, well done all of you.

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