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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Must be weird seeing everyone else dancing and you sitting down all upset because it's not being played off an album.
  2. Just to let people know that the corpse is still twitching
  3. Chalky, it's like making a documentary about the Premier League where they know the audience figures will be massive, and following it up with a documentary about non-League football, where there is only a minority interest. I don't mean that to sound harsh towards what happened post-Wigan but the media see that 200 people in the 100 Club is not really the equivalent of 2000 people at The Casino - the only people who know it's the same are us. Every scene, cult, craze has it's peak period and this is what's always focused on by the media, and that's why we get what we always get.
  4. Apologies, I thought the series was going to be about the 70's.
  5. There's a filtering system you can use if you think you've stripped your collection down to nothing but favourites. Go through them and ask yourself can you really live without having this record in your collection? I got my last great Reggae & Ska collection down from around 250 pieces to 15 using this method. I still have the 15. I sold records I thought I could never ever sell like "Jet 707" (but replaced with a bootleg). I only really really regret selling maybe a dozen of them and I've never been able to replace them.
  6. There's a lot of people missing the point here. It was a documentary about THE SEVENTIES not the 80's and beyond
  7. Gas Fitter and Manservant also forund the wonderful "Crazy Baby" by The Coasters and "Time's A Wasting" by The Fuller Brothers
  8. The reason people find it so hard to stop collecting is because they never find anything to replace it with. Trust me, I know from many many experiences. I've had to sell collections for so many reasons, like an upcoming baby, to get a new kitchen paid for, also general poverty when I lived on my own and didn't have a job. Then I built them back up again until I had really nice collections of both UK and US originals - but when I decided to sell records for a living, I had to sell them all to fund this and never looked back really. Some of the astonishing records I've had, how I'd love to have kept them - but for what purpose? My kids aren't going to want them when I die. The amount of people collecting them and potential buyers will have decreased, like it does every single week. People are starting to wise up to this now, we are not going to live forever, and many people are going to be left with thousands and thousands of records which could have been converted into cash. In the last year alone I've sold things like The Classics (Yan G), The Salvadors, The Del Larks, John & The Wierdest - these are straight out of the collections of people realising that every bubble has to burst and they and their families can really use the money for something. You may have noticed some of the quality originals I'm selling at the moment, every week, again given to me to sell by someone who bought them mainly to get DJ spots but as they weren't forthcoming, realised that they were just going to sit there forever in their boxes. So basically, if you can find something to fill the void left by not collecting records, you'll be okay - but I must warn you, you'll probably replace the non-collecting of records by starting to collect something else...that's the bug that you can never shake off.
  9. It was sent insured but they will say that the mailer and cardboard should have been inside a jiffy bag (which would have given no extra protection) and they always have you on that technicality, I'll be lucky if I get £50 back but I already promised to give the buyer a full refund before they compensate me.
  10. At last someone gets it!
  11. I'd have bought that if it had been a demo. Which is crazy, seeing as they would have been given away and the stock copy would have had to have made it to the shops. Just like to look at the demos...
  12. Just block me so you don't have to see what I write! I'll do the same :-)
  13. Just talking about the Breaking Bad analogy - the series was practically faultless in every way. The Northern Soul scene has had it's peaks and troughs therefore has not been consistently brilliant. Look at the modern and crossover for a start. And while people will say that was a predictable comment from me, thats what it's been about for me, highs and lows, the highest times have revolved around 60's northern, the worst times were people playing 12" disco records.
  14. So would you and I if everyone kept feeding you their best records every week...
  15. Are you actually capable of ever replying to a post of mine without putting an unnecessary barb in there, if so you should talk to someone about your problem, preferably me
  16. Sorry, looking at the wrong week!
  17. But Breaking Bad remained consistently brilliant from start to finish - the Northern Soul scene didn't, some people wouldn't want to watch what happened after Wigan.
  18. Did this auction end or was it just closed?
  19. I knew I meant something like that
  20. It doesn't, it just shows which is the plug side of the demo.
  21. Maybe they just go for the period where something was high on the public's conscience, for instance, if they make a documentary about Punk Rock they probably end it in 1978 even though many bands continued as 'pure' Punk even up to today, Joe Public probably only remembers The Pistols, Clash, Damned etc so that's what they focus on - forget about Crass and Oi etc.
  22. Possibly a couple of lines about the boom and Wigans Ovation but not at the expense of more positive stuff, we can't deny it happened though Tim, and I'm going to plead guilty to buying that record because I didn't know how to get the original version, probably the same for a lot of 14 / 15 year olds at the time. I also bought The Javells, Wayne Gibson, Footsee. By the same token, I'd already got Sliced Tomatoes and In Orbit and The Joker. Just didn't think about differences at the time.
  23. I don't understand why people get angry about these programs, you know what they're going to be like before they even air, and they aren't made to pander to the hardcore Northern Soul people, they're made for the few hundred thousand other people watching the telly at the time in the hope they'll find it interesting and watch the show. The only person to have done a proper job is Ian Levine with his SWONS project, and even if you were to cut the artists performances out of it, you have the best documentary ever made about Northern and the NS scene. And you can't complain about the talking heads in it either as they include everyone who people have complained about not being included in the BBC films.

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