"Yeah, when I was 15 I bought the odd pressing and I'm sure most of us did. We didn't really know any better then, though, did we? When I was a child I spake as a child and all that. This is about you selling them - the buyers have their own conscience to guide them, don't they"?
I've got about 200 northern records in my collection, that's my own personal collection, I'd say 90% of them are pressings, I bought them to replace the originals which I sold to make a living on. That sounds like good business sense to me, not a childlike action. You are slagging off thouands and thousands of people who don't care anything about being elitist and having the record on the correct label. Like that Ty Karim record I got yesterday on Romark, I've got my own copy on some dodgy label, why keep a £500 record sitting on a shelf when there's a £15 copy already there.
Let's say the people who make these records manufacture 500 of each title, they do ten titles, thats 5000 records. In 6 months time there will be maybe 50 of each title left on the market. That means over 4000 people bought those records. Are they all 'children', are they all pirates/leaches/ne'er do wells? No, they're just people who want to be able to listen to the record they danced to. Those people are the majority, you and the other soul police are a tiny minority yet you think you have all the answers and all those answers have to be right because - well, just because you say so.