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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Beatin Rhythm in M/C
  2. There was an issue on ebay but it had most of the print rubbed off, like Micks'
  3. Pete S


    Jades - I'm where it's at
  4. Pete S


    Duke Browner - crying over you Al de Lory - Right on Bobby Hutton - Lend a hand Present - Manys the slip
  5. Totally disagree with this being moved, there was discussion going on where it was originally and now it's died
  6. Lonnie Russ issue!!!! Never seen one. The rest are common though
  7. I haven't got one, just 2 ex's...
  8. First, you have to learn how to spell 'guide' Mick Second, I just make my own prices up by seeing what the others have and knocking some off that
  9. I didn't even know he sold on Ebay, whats his seller ID?? Ringleaders in at 300, but in at 500 in JM
  10. oops sent twice by mistake
  11. Harsh but fair
  12. Can't really answer that as I don't see his lists...
  13. OK I've got a copy of this now. On first look, it doesn't seem as concise as Manships book as the B sides are not listed - this in my opinion is a big mistake as sometimes records are listed with the 'wrong' side and this is one of the few good points about the latest JM book. There are some very nice colour scans of labels but the general layout is pretty basic though easy to use. But never mind that, the important thing here is the price of the records and I thought I'd compare the prices of a few records which I've picked up in the last few days and see if there was much difference between the two books. jackson brothers (providence) JM 200 TB 50 soulmasters (raven) JM 200 TB 200 showmen (wrong girl) JM 100 TB 100 embers (mgm issue) JM 350 TB 150 sandy wynns (champion dj) JM 60 TB 50 dynamics (rca) JM 200 TB 150 earl harrison (abs) JM 100 TB 75 arnells (roulette) JM 85 TB 50 but if you take things like The Ellusions you have JM 600 TB 300 this is just a first glance comparison but it would appear that the TB book is sticking to more sensible prices.
  14. I'm expecting a copy of this book today, will report back later...it cannot be any worse than what we have at the moment
  15. Is that the same as the Steve Alaimo song, I think it is...??
  16. I got a copy of the Peels on UK Audio Fidelity from Wolverhampton record fair about 6 months ago...feeling somewhat generous I let Mr M Smith take it for £10...but does he ever mention that, no, just goes on about me liking white pop dancers all the time
  17. And what pray are all these "other" auction sites to which you refer? I can't remember seeing any links to them. What I object to is the sheer rudeness of people who have never made even introduced themselves or joined in any topics, leaving an advert for their Ebay auctions and never returning. If you like this sort of person then fine, I don't and why should I have to justify myself to you anyway?
  18. No, nothing on there except the titles...EP is called Oh Mary I think
  19. It's definitely not Millie. Her voice is unmistakeable. I've had all jackie edwards singles on Aladdin and most are slow ballads, that is to say I don't remember any of them having much potential. Still got a couple, will have a look.
  20. Pete S


    I was actually going to mention that Rach, it's on UK Mercury. What about Edward Hamilton - Baby don't you weep - thats practically the same tune as Sunny
  21. I think I started saying it was Joyce Bond soon as I heard it years ago to be honest but only because she was recording for Island same time as him. Have you noticed on this bootleg, they have transplanted the beginning of the usual version, then intercut it with the EP version..very clumsily as well. Totally pointless.
  22. I swapped it for a pile of 20 quid-ers, an embers on atlantic and a soulmasters on raven. Oh well
  23. Already been there mate but thanks anyway
  24. If you listen to the Wigan tapes from 79, 80, 81 there are masses of modern things being played, sometimes off 12" ers that last 20 minutes, bloody horrible things like Omni and Rosey Jones and Larry f*cking Houston, the 70's gems like Will Power are few and far between and I just stopped going so I didn't have to hear this sort of crap. And I still won't go anywhere that plays it, that is not what Northern Soul is about to me. Meanwhile, both I, and you if you stopped going, missed Richards fantastic new 60's discoveries around that time, and there are loads of them...but they still mixed them in with the 70's and I do not believe that it works. Wonderful world of modern soul? Do me a favour. Keep it separate from the proper music.

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