I've got some of what are generally considered to be 100% soul classics in my own little collection - nor originals - Springers, Cairos, Eddie Parker, Ray Pollard, Del Larks, Magnetics and so on and so on - but I've also got Paula Parfitt, I've got Mark Loyd, I've got Rain Out of my mind - but I love all of them, I don't have separate sections for soul and pop, they're all Northern Soul as far as I'm concerned and thats why I enjoyed the 70's more than any other period, because to grow up at that time with those records was such an experience...Afternoon of the rhino, Hot line, Theres that mountain, Strings a gogo (sic), Tainted love....even then there were shit records though, Marc Copage springs to mind. But if you give me a choice at this point in my life as to what period I could go back to it would have to be 75 to 77.