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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Yeah I didn't think of that - it would be all down to the promoters.
  2. I love Sounds Of The 60's but I enjoy Tony Blackburn's Pick Of The Pops even more - when he does a year, the first few tracks are always songs that were bubbling under and never usually get played on oldies shows.
  3. OK I concede, I still don't think I was able to accurately say what I meant though, I appreciate that it is possible to like all kinds of soul music but still think there's a time and place for each of them and they don't necessarily have to interweave. If others do, and I'm in the minority, so be it. I still believe that what the scene really needs though is one dominant, regular allnighter, for instance if Stoke* was on every 2 weeks, things would start to knit back together again instead of it all being so fractured. *just an example
  4. I have, it's a spy caper thing like the James Bond spoofs, there was a follow up, Dr. Goldfoot & The Girl Bombs, both available on Veehd.
  5. Am I listening to the wrong record again?
  6. Then how can you comment on what is or what isn't? This argument is crazy. For the last time. Topic title 'never had it so good'. Sounds better or as good as at any other time in the last 50 years. I disagree with that. That's all!
  7. "Will pay up to £10"
  8. And after I wrote that, I thought yeah, I'll sit here at home, do my own mix, while drinking 6 pints of cider and smoking 20 fags...I'd be better off doing 'the other'!
  9. Well as he completely ripped you off you have no alternative but to leave him negative, do it and save others from being ripped off because getting negative so early will really f*ck his ratings up
  10. Yes that's very responsible, parent of two young children going out taking drugs, that's probably why you think the music is so good, try going straight.
  11. I KNEW I knew it!!! Thanks. Only had it about 5 times
  12. An Album Full Of Soul (Stateside) all Amy Mala Bell stuff, great LP. LImited interest though? Certainly rare than a Timi Yuro LP.
  13. Track 1 is fantastic, what is it anyone?
  14. 27" Antellects - Love Slave
  15. 13' is The Admirations - You Left me isn't it?
  16. Well if you listen to my Mecca and Cleethorpes and 70's podcasts you'll see I don't dismiss every other type of soul music, I just don't see how a deep soul record could fit into a northern night?
  17. Missing the point as ever, the problem is you think you have great taste in music, whereas I know I have anyway as you are getting personal yet again, I'd best not read any more as I'd rather not get into a series of public arguments again
  18. Don't think I knew John but RIP mate
  19. So you think if a record is played on the Northern Soul scene, it's Northern Soul. Sean Chapman plays a vocal version of Double Barrel at Stoke. So that's now Northern Soul is it. Russ played Al Capone at Wigan. Is that Northern Soul? Apart from that, I haven't got a clue what you're talking about, and I'd like you to fill in the gaps since 1974 where I've had an "absence from the scene" seeing as you seem to know things about me that I don't know myself.
  20. The bootleg was done in blue and black vinyl
  21. You don't get it. We have our Northern Soul scene. We don't want it 'unified' with other types of soul. It's fine as it is. If you want an all-encompassing soul scene, that's fine, bring Northern into it, but don't try and water down the Northern scene with alien types of music because it's not wanted, it's fine as it is, and only possibly 5% of all people will be into it. There's a time and place for all music, enjoy it there but why try to bring it to people who have no interest in it - you might as well be trying to get people to listen to bhangra.
  22. Great stuff mate but what happened at around 34:25 on the second set? Dear me...
  23. Dunno mate, not much I wouldn't have thought, even if it is the only one in existence. I'll see if I can get you the laroke one, usually only 10-15 quid nowadays
  24. They are indeed - very good
  25. He's actually broken the law there. Tell him to give you the money back immediately or you'll send your mates round. I can get a posse of 8 men together at short notice

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