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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. About 6 months ago it was decreed that anyone who quoted the Stemmons Express song title incorrectly, like you have done, would be banished. It's LOVE not LOVER
  2. Had time to sleep on this and am reopening it mainly because of Winston so thank him Sorry I closed it but I wasn't prepared to have that scenario repeated where someone has a pop at me and I get bollocked for retaliating. Some people only ever read one side! Anyway, I've got another terrible record for you to analise, this one is as bad as or worse than George lemons: bugger I've forgot the artist...Dancing a Hole in the World.
  3. Oh right, so he can insult me but I can't reply back, yes? If you're going to start that game again, where I can't reply, then I'm taking my ball back home. Nice one.
  4. Yeah and hangers on like you fall for it every time...
  5. You insinuated you listened to ska before me, as a skinhead - so that was between 1969 and 1971. Either that or between 78 and 81, in which case you didn't listen to it before me, did you? make your mind up.
  6. Steve. Shove your yellow pages up your **** you condescending git.
  7. Right, what the header means is - records which are in fact rubbish but people pretend to like them or SAY they like them just because their mates do and they will get thought of being a somehow lesser person if they admit that they can't see the magic and charm of a particular record. Really good northern records like Can't help Loving You or Woman Love Thief or Chapter Five are an insult to them because they are by white artists and that in itself makes them bad, non-soul records for a start. Unfortunately the soul snobs don't remember or realise that there's a big difference in soul and northern soul, nor do they remember the scenes best days ever, the mid 70's, when anything may have gone but people enjoyed themselves without having to analize what they could listen to beforehand. I just can't get my head round people who want to try and deny that the past ever happened. Paula Parfitt is no great shakes but it reminds me of a really great time in my life so why should I put it on the scrapheap now I'm old just because it doesn't fit into what is acceptable nowadays. Anyway who makes up the rules? Nice to get a decent debate going anyway
  8. Whoever nominated Fascinating Girl copied that off me in a previous worst record ever competition We need to have a "worst violin solo in a record" thread. George lemons comes close but Please Stay by The Ivorys has an even worse one. The rest of the that record is brilliant though.
  9. See the thread entitled My DJ Spot Last Night elsewhere on this forum. I know what I like, where's the crime in that eh?
  10. Oh right, well you really learned a lot thinking you were listening to sca (sic) as a skinhead didn't you, seeing as how no ska had been produced for 3 years when skinheads first appeared, and seeing as I bought my first one in 1971 I wasn't that far off, I apologise for being born too late though. And I've got the best taste in music on this entire site anyway so this sort of stuff goes right over my head...
  11. I wasn't going when that was first played, thank God, though I wouldn't have gone the next week if I had heard it. Go on then, tell me whats so brilliant about it. I'll send you some cotton buds tomorrow ok. Bottom of the class more like. Even his name is rubbish.
  12. £25 on British...£15 on US...£75 on UK demo
  13. I haven't heard the Two Plus Two record!
  14. Actually you have met me Cookie and I've sold you a record or two, it was at the Dome Xmas 2001...
  16. No it's not, it's dull uninspiring crap. I only mentioned Paula Parfitt because it was the first name that came into my head when I was trying to think of a British record that was quite good. But yeah, I'd take Paula Parfitt over that turd any day, and yes, you are a soul snob. Because you like George Hobson, a record so bad it should be ashamed to exist.
  17. It says so, above. Actually no, the true definition should be "someone who is an active member of soul source forum except for Pete-S"
  18. Someone who doesn't like Paula Parfitt
  19. Bobby Kline - Say something nice to me. Absolute rubbish with no redeeming features whatsoever. Horrible, horrible record, no wonder they put most of the labels on the wrong sides, it was to stop this getting played
  20. I'll start: no surprise here. George Hobson - Let it be real. Anyone who can possibly prefer this to Paula Parfitt must have something wrong with them.
  21. Nearly all those come from Record Collector mag Rach..
  22. Pete S

    For Sale

    Did someone really pay £200 for this?

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