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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. Sorry but jazz is the worst music ever recorded - any genre of it. And people who profess to like it are always the pseudo intellectual types. I see Stuart Tyler is posting on this thread, SEE WHAT I MEAN
  2. Glad you found this post John, this was my little tribute to you
  3. I bet none of you pisstakers have ever actually listened to Rick Astley, I have listened to more than a man should have had to as my girlfriend is/was a big fan, and he has a magnificent, powerful singing voice, and I'm being serious...have a listen to that track he did Cry For Help. As for Grant Green, never heard of him...
  4. At least 50...hey but good luck to him, in the general scheme of things Tim's a good guy, one of the most honest
  5. 100 each I think. Then again, it was 2 Prestatyns ago
  6. Anyone wanting a copy of Lonnie Lester should ask Tim Ash, he had about 50 copies last time I saw him...
  7. No I know what you mean and undoubtedly people list things they haven't got, but I sell records 'cheap' literally so I can sell them! 10 quid profit is better than no profit. Although I think I've made more money from not drinking and smoking since baby was born than I have from selling records lately
  8. Thats bollocks Ted. It's hard going at the moment. I take any sales I can get but I like to think I do it fairly. Everyone's feeling the pinch!
  9. There's loads of records been played on the scene like that...Scratchy...Help me if you can...I'm getting on life...all good fun though..
  10. Do you remember the other week when Martha Reeves - No one there was being discussed, it had sold for some ridculous 3 figure sum, I said it was only worth 70 or 80 quid tops...lo and behold, I get a copy the next week, stuck it on the list at (I think) 75 because thats what I think it IS worth - cue about 15 people after the same record, people emailing me saying I should have stuck 150 quid on it, etc etc. The honest truth is that I KNOW I should have stuck at least 125 on it because it would have sold easy - but that would have made me a hypocrite of the highest order. Don't lead me on - emanuel laskey - near mint thelma. Now after listing it at £75, I put it on Ebay at buy it now £75 and it still didn't sell, so how can it possibly be worth more than that???
  11. The greedy one is the person asking a lot more than the record is worth, it's pretty simple mate.
  12. You're all cruel and horrible
  13. Because...er....my pop/rock/whatever records are all over the place but there's one shelf with my own little collection of northern, so I know it's always there...I think
  14. Did you see my "Ridiculously expensive records for sale" post the other day? Don't think everyone realised it was ironic. Especially the bloke who asked for a record despite mestating that I had prices the records three times more than they were actually worth
  15. https://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZsammyma...1QQfsooZ1QQrdZ0?
  16. I had a record on here last week (on Thelma) for £75 and in the same sales section someone else had it for £125...that's £50 in the space of one column
  17. I had a fiddle with this and made the vocal a bit deeper, it would sound pretty good played out I reckon but for the purists, the soul content is minimal
  18. One word... GREED
  19. Somewhat bizzarely - yes it is - absolutely brilliant record. I've got it in with my northern records but only because I keep forgetting where I've put it!.
  20. Tony Middleton - My home town
  21. I can't listen to that record without getting very upset - it's a shattering performance.
  22. If you reasd back over my million posts you'll see that I've always said I liked the uptempo 4/4 beat 70's records that were played, Summer In The Parks, Love Knocked You Down, Can You Imagine That etc...it's the dreary shit I don't like
  23. I love that record!
  24. Sorry, when you say the word DISCO, that's what comes to mind

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