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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. I never heard this but if I'd have had it, I probably wouldn't have played it because I thought all the ML's on Contempo were kind of remakes...just shows you shouldn't take records at face value. But no sorry Blake, I haven't got it!
  2. Here's another one charging £2.50 recorded, so I asked why Normally I send records in a mailer and one stiffener at 99pence second class. A hell of a lot cheaper than most on Ebay who ask £1.50 to £2.50. If any one asks for recorded it is usually on a more valuable item as this, so I pack in between heavier card and inside a bubble lined envelope which saves the need for £4.00 insurance. I have a stock of 47p. stamps for most records but like any other I have to stand in a post office queue for recorded which is a pain. Recorded is therefore £2.50 to cover the extra pcking, time taken and general aggro. You get what you pay for, it isn't a rip-off. regards
  3. Can anyone get me a label scan or tell me the credits on the label please? It's not on the anorak records scan site. thanks a lot pete
  5. I'll give you £15 for it
  6. So do I but I don't pass the non existant charges onto the customer. Look, the mailers and cardboard cost about 10p, the post is 1.30, so total is 1.40. I charge 1.50. I make 10p. How could I justify charging 1.80 or 2.00?
  7. This is exactly the point I was trying to make. The postage I do takes lietrally about 6 hours a week, I'm supposed to charge my customers for that am I?
  8. You shouldn't be passing on charges for your 'time' to your customers, how selfish is that??? Well it's not selfish, it's a rip off, whatever way you look at it. And that "they can take it or leave it" attitude doesn't look good either. And how come I can do it for £1.50 and you can't? Should I start charging people extra for the petrol I use to get to the post office to send their items?
  9. Is anyone else getting as fed up as I am with people trying it on with postage? It costs £1.30 to send a 45 by recorded delivery, that's in a decent mailer with 2 bits of card. Even if you charge £1.50 you make 20p! So why do people quote £1.50 or £2 standard mail, £2.50 recorded etc. I've just had one bloke bill me, he wants £2.50 for one record, second class normail post! Add on £1 for recorded. So that's £2 more than the actual cost and I'm absolutely sick of it so I think I'm going to put some kind of message on each of my sales now asking people to question anyone charging more than £2 recorded post. This may seem petty but if you add it up over a year it costs over £100 in rip off postage charges. I asked one bloke why he charged £2.50 and this is his reply "because doing the whole postage thing takes a big chunk out of my day, and I feel my time is as valuable as the next man's" well don't be a record dealer then you tw*t
  10. I think you can cancel hid bids Mark. Also, it looks like you now have his address as well. Someone send him a turd in the post.
  11. Thta's quite a bizarre choice as it's very mainstream. In fact I first heard it on the Chess/Janus Mobile Discotheque album in 1974. Mental Northern Soul is the likes of Terrible Tom.
  12. I'm afraid I don't have the luxury of being able to wait 6 months to make a profit - I have to recoup the money I lay out straight away or I don't eat.
  13. I am funny, you just don't get me
  14. I need any red and white Island that you folks might have (except for the soul titles)...also any of the plain white Islands might be of use...I will pay you large spondoolicks or swap for extremely nice northern or dodgy dvd's, you choose. I sold off about 125 of mine last year and I am determined to get them back so if you can help, you're very nice.
  15. Just to up this back to the top and then I'll leave it, my foot is so painful now that I am going to have to go to bed, and watch the football from there whilst sipping Baileys and eating my birthday chocolates, leaving davina to quiten down and feed the baby, and walk the dogs last thing, goodnight everyone
  16. Oh very funny. On saturday, I actually drove over to telford because my missus was still going on about the fact that I failed in my mission to secure the pizzas, so I got two pizzas, first I tried to eat a slice while driving and the topping slid off into my lap, but that was the only mishap - until about 2am the following morning when I had the runs for a good 2 hours.
  17. Did you see my latest tale of misfortune mate? Why me, Lord, why me????
  18. This...first time in ages I've actually got excited about receiving a parcel! Except for my sandwiches which Mummy makes for me every day.
  19. Thank you Dan - and I swear, every word of that is true. It's the shoes I feel sorry for.
  20. Have a look at my Curse Of The Chandlers post mate and it will all become clear
  21. Here's an absolute disaster story from start to finish. I bought The Chandlers on Colsoul from the States, it cost about £215 I think, I thought I could make £100 profit on it...anyway, the bloke I bought it off put the value on it at $300, so our lovely customs officers charged me £54 tax. Anyway they don't bother delivering these, you have to ring them up to arrange a later delivery or a pick up. The parcelforce office is in Atcham just outside Shrewsbury which is about 25 miles away from me, but I thought it might be a nice ride out, and I could pick up a couple of italian job deep pan pizzas from telford (the only place they do them round here) on the way. So it starts snowing just as I set off. I decide to get petrol and cash at the same time so I don't bother going to the only service station on the way, and I get into Telford, park outside Deep pan Pizza and go off to order. Deep pan Pizza doesn't open for another 3 hours. So then I get back on the motorway and take the turn of for Atcham. I go 5 miles past the business park where I am meant to go, and end up in Shewsbury. I turn round and eventually find the place, hand over the money and take my record. By now it is pouring down with rain and sleet. I get on the motorway where I got off, and travel around 500 yards before the engine cuts out and I run out of petrol. So I have to leave the warning indicators flashing, and attempt to climb 30 feet up this grassy bank, in the pouring rain, and I don't have a coat, just a jumper. After about 10 minutes of one step forward to steps back comedy climbing, I get to the top of the bank, and there is a fance about 5 foot high with barbred wire on the top. Beyond that is a field, and a road. So I manage to get on top of the fence, get my balance, and leap off into the field, landing brilliantly flat footed in the mud and letting out a high pitched scream of pain. I make it to the road and find a yokel, he says there's a garage about a mile down the road, so I run all the way to the garage. Why didn't I phone for help I hear you say? Because my phone had run out of credit and I could not work out how to dial up and get more! I bought an empty petrol can and filled it up, and some kind soul overheard my plight, and asked me where I'd broken down. By the bridge I said. I meant a footbridge. he took me 2 miles back down the wrong way to the motorway bridge. I had to tell him we'd gone in the wrong direction, and after he dropped me off, he had to go miles out of his way to get off the motorway! OK so far so bad. I poured the petrol into the tank, and spilled half of it on me, so when I finally got home, I put all my clothes in the wash and that included my favourite pair of shoes which are Vans, I had them imported as they stopped making that style about 5 years back. When the washing was done, the rubber soles were intact but the canvas had shrunk about 2 sizes so to get them on I would have had to cut my toes off. By now I was feeling a strange pain in my ankle. Finally I got to open up the package and get my hands on the Chandlers record. It was fucked. I saw straight away I was going to lose money on it. As the last few days have progressed, my ankle has got bigger and bigger to the point where I went to the doctors yesterday to report that I had contracted elephantisis in one leg. She said I'd sprained my ankle. Today I sold the Chandlers for £200, losing nearly £70 on the deal. I heard it tell me to piss off as I posted it. I sit here, a lone, hobbledyhoy figure, unable to get down the stairs because my ankle hurts so much...and it's all down to those damn Chandlers :angry: :angry: :angry:
  22. Would it be worth writing to "Watchdog" because they are always having a go at Ebay for not being efficient enough when dealing with fraud. Especially when there's proof that members have contacted Ebay and they don't want to know. I am about to contact Watchdog myself about a dangerous fence which I had to jump off, spraining my ankle (see Chandlers story elsewhere, if I've put it on yet)

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