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Pete S

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Everything posted by Pete S

  1. One in the pressing section I never heard of but don't think it's a pressing - Viola Edwards on Renfro? Also, in originals, a complete run of Ric Tics from start to finish...shame only about 2 are worth anything..
  2. Yeah I know mate, absolutely, thats why I've enjoyed them so much, he's posted stuff I never knew existed before yesterday. But was just saying, if you need to hear the Funk Bros at their best, those karaoke cd's are a great place to start
  3. Another one was "Is Tommy Bush worth anything now"....I said remember when more or less everyone in Wombourne had one, me, you, John etc...and they cost us £8 a time? Well now it's more like £500....
  4. An old mate of mine asked me to value his collection for him - he's been out of touch for a while - anyway he put all the originals on one page of a spreadsheet and all the pressings and bootlegs on the other. In the bootlegs section was Natural Four on Boola Boola and John Bowie on Merben. He thought because he paid £3 each for them at the time, that's all they'd be worth now...I said mate, you're looking at £500 for the pair... yeah I know I could have not told him but I don't do that...and with a bit of luck, I'll have all 500 records this time tomorrow
  5. Well for a start it's run off is double the side it should be, and it has a six figure delta number - which the seller confirmed - it's a boot
  6. Mr. Soul - over 100 Funk Bros tracks were released in the 90's, they came out as Karaoke discs sold via Walmart. They use the original backing tracks of everything from Shop Around onwards. Not only that, but a second set just featured the a capella vocals to all of them as well. Story goes that they were withdrawn from sale after a short while. I think I still have all of these if you or anyone else wants them. Have a listen to this - OH MY GOD https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xiet6v_four-tops-ask-the-lonely-acapella_music
  7. I don't think it has. The only Darrell Banks backing track I've heard is Somebody Somewhere Needs You.
  8. Still looks like the 1976 boot though
  9. I sold Sisters Love on Mowest, on here, 2 weeks ago, for £15, or was it £20. I listed it three times before it sold. I would like to nominate that, and Richard Temple (Jayboy demo worth £25) for comedy sale of the day.
  10. Well said Philly, let's just sit back and laugh at some of these old people hanging onto the every word of an 18 year old who clearly posted just to get a reaction
  11. They don't though do they, they only wear them for dancing I think. Admittedly, they were the best trousers to dance in. I'd have thought that the numbers of people who dress like this was under 100 but unfortunately that's what tv programs etc focus on, and of course with the film coming out it'll go into overdrive. You only have to see a photo taken at Wigan in 1980 to see that the baggies have disappeared, so yes, very odd that they should resurrected. Have we ever had someone who dresses like that come on and tell us why they dress so retro? (Says a bloke wearing Levis and a Fred Perry same as 40 years ago )
  12. Searched under Northern Soul, but they are in Soul. Also searched for Vel Vets not Velvets. Those are my excuses.
  13. Nor me, only cd's
  14. The focal point closed as far as I can remember
  15. I'm not saying you're not on the scene at all, I just don't think people should be slagged off for their choice of clothes, however daft they may look to us, they might be the most hardcore Northern Soul punter and record collector out there, but you're only judging them on their choice of trousers. I think most of us agree that it is a bit like a circus but at the end of the day, they're enjoying themselves and I'm all for that.
  16. I think you mean 5mm otherwise the label would be about as big as the centre hole
  17. Aaron I've seen your wants lists and they have as much to do with Northern Soul as Abba so excuse me if I don't click the sycophantic 'like' button in reference to that load of b*llocks you wrote. What do you mean we don't need another Casino? You never went to the first one, so how do you know. People would pay thousands just to experience one more night there if they could. The scene has always needed a focal point, it doesn't have one now and that's why it's so splintered.
  18. Didn't say there was a need for it now, I think it looks ridiculous, but if people enjoy it then I don't let it bother me.
  19. True, have a look at any contemporary news report up to and including 1979 and people will be wearing baggies. The badge thing - at the time it was a way of showing that you supported the scene, if you saw someone else wearing a Wigan Casino patch, you'd go and speak to them, be it in a supermarket, football match etc
  20. Rob I counted and I have 98 original Motown backing tracks, you must have hundreds because only about 5 or 6 of yours appear in the lot I've got (from the deleted US Motown karaoke set), and no doubt even those are alternative versions. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Soul Source topic so much. Seriously, thanks for sharing these gems.
  21. Not sure about all of them but I think Vel Vets comes from Northampton way
  22. If not a daft question - how can a symphony orchestra be the same as an 8 piece or whatever band I mean you can hear that it is actually an orchestra playing on the record, there must be a dozen string instruments on there
  23. Yeah sold mine last week sorry...way to cheap as well...£150
  24. Yeah that actually came out on a Goldmine cd, one of the early ones, I'm sure it did, credited to George Kerr Orchestra or something like that
  25. Now that one I have got...

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